Incubating a cracked egg

Mrs J

Reiki 🙏 Take time to make your soul happy 🔮🌕
Apr 20, 2020
Tonight I will be setting 24 shipped eggs in my incubator, I have 12 mixed eggs…
black rock
Rhode island red
Copper maran
Columbian red tails
To name but a few! And 12 Salmon Faverolle eggs.
1 of the faverolle eggs has a crack in it. I could barely see it until I candled, and since I have put clear nail polish on it, it looks worse

Has anyone has success hatching an egg like this? Would you chance it? I will be setting tonight so hatch day coincides with the full moon on April 6th.
Some say you will have a more successful hatching rate, who knows :idunno
Tonight I will be setting 24 shipped eggs in my incubator, I have 12 mixed eggs…
black rock
Rhode island red
Copper maran
Columbian red tails
To name but a few! And 12 Salmon Faverolle eggs.
1 of the faverolle eggs has a crack in it. I could barely see it until I candled, and since I have put clear nail polish on it, it looks worse
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Has anyone has success hatching an egg like this? Would you chance it? I will be setting tonight so hatch day coincides with the full moon on April 6th.
Some say you will have a more successful hatching rate, who knows :idunno
I would personally not chance it as if it explodes it can ruin the rest of your eggs. If I had an extra incubator, I might put it in there by itself to see if it looked ok in a week. Is it bumpy or just cracked? Hard to tell from the pic
I would personally not chance it as if it explodes it can ruin the rest of your eggs. If I had an extra incubator, I might put it in there by itself to see if it looked ok in a week. Is it bumpy or just cracked? Hard to tell from the pic
I couldn’t see it on inspection, I only noticed because I candled, it does look a lot worse in the pic with the polish on. I’m curious in one sense, but I don’t want to set a chick up to fail, or ruin my other eggs. I do have another incubator, but I have showgirl/silkie eggs being delivered tomorrow.
I couldn’t see it on inspection, I only noticed because I candled, it does look a lot worse in the pic with the polish on. I’m curious in one sense, but I don’t want to set a chick up to fail, or ruin my other eggs. I do have another incubator, but I have showgirl/silkie eggs being delivered tomorrow.
If it’s just a tiny crack, and not blistering or bubbling like it appears, in that case I would give it a try, candle daily, and pull at any sign of anything weird, including smell.
I have incubated duck eggs with a tiny pin hole in the egg that I didht notice until later
My baby hatched just fine
The second one I am incubating now
The only thing I notice is the air cell does grow faster then the rest
I use non scented candle wax to cover mine
You could candle that egg every few days ti see and if it does die be able to remove it before it could explode
@New duck mommy 2021 Interesting, I was torn between candle wax and clear polish. I did research but it was half a dozen of one and 6 of the other saying each was best. I’m half wishing I had used wax now I know that it has been successful for you. Yes I think I will keep an eye on that egg and start candling at 4 days, that is the earliest I have ever seen development before, thank you!
@New duck mommy 2021 Interesting, I was torn between candle wax and clear polish. I did research but it was half a dozen of one and 6 of the other saying each was best. I’m half wishing I had used wax now I know that it has been successful for you. Yes I think I will keep an eye on that egg and start candling at 4 days, that is the earliest I have ever seen development before, thank you!
Hopefully it works
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