Indestructible Tapeworms?

UPDATE: I gave the chickens Equimax Sunday. It was actually fairly easy. They cant spit it out like they do with Valbazen, because this stuff is a paste.
I accidentally posted that before I was done. Whoops. ANYWAYS... I haven’t seen any creepy crawlies in their poop since I gave them equimax. But I keep seeing this. Are these dried up tapeworm pieces or feather shafts? I can’t tell. I know someone said if the tapeworm dies, I’ll see larger pieces. So I’ve been looking. D1EBE4DA-37FF-4C1A-9C88-165A4FC1E4E7.jpeg 97C41D69-89E2-4E26-AF04-D70DF04710BC.jpeg
All of these eggs have to be tossed. Or do they? If we are in the withdrawal period for equimax, can the shells be used in the veggie garden? Anyone know if the meds make their way into the shells? Wouldn’t want to use them and have the meds seep into the soil, thus making their way into the veggies.

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