Hello and good to everybody. Thank you everyone for the wonderful and very helpful information to make Rosie feel better
. Sadly though, Rosie did not make it thru the night
. So sad she's gone. Rosie was very friendly sweet pullet. She was just about to lay her very first egg soon, since she was in the nest boxes practicing. Aw. Sad day to start off. But once again thank you for the information. If it happens to happen again (fingers crossed it won't), I'll know exactly what to do. Have a wonderful day.
God Bless
Hello and good to everybody. Thank you everyone for the wonderful and very helpful information to make Rosie feel better
. Sadly though, Rosie did not make it thru the night
. So sad she's gone. Rosie was very friendly sweet pullet. She was just about to lay her very first egg soon, since she was in the nest boxes practicing. Aw. Sad day to start off. But once again thank you for the information. If it happens to happen again (fingers crossed it won't), I'll know exactly what to do. Have a wonderful day.
God Bless
I'm so sorry you lost your sweet girl. We lost quite a few to dog maulings, and it's always an unexpected, horribel way to lose one.
Hello and good to everybody. Thank you everyone for the wonderful and very helpful information to make Rosie feel better
. Sadly though, Rosie did not make it thru the night
. So sad she's gone. Rosie was very friendly sweet pullet. She was just about to lay her very first egg soon, since she was in the nest boxes practicing. Aw. Sad day to start off. But once again thank you for the information. If it happens to happen again (fingers crossed it won't), I'll know exactly what to do. Have a wonderful day.
God Bless

I am so sorry for your loss.
Indiana must be busy this summer so not as many posts as usual :)

Been working on getting the 13 week old Buckeyes out to range with the others. I'm finding that if I pen the "middle agers" that are 17 weeks old, the little kids get more of a chance to experience the range with less drama. Eventually they'll all go together but it seems to be in stages.

The little Buckeyes are very gentle and laid-back. They don't even show proper fear of their elders yet so I'm hoping this all works out in the long-run. It's going to be a long winter for one group of the birds if they need to be separated!
It does seem awfully quiet here lately... *cricket chirps* ...

Actually, we have been a bit busy over here. My mom, brother, and I (but mostly my mom because she's amazing) have been working for the past week or two on an 8x16 foot, predator-proof, solid-roofed, 'covered porch' structure on the front of the coop, for extra shelter space in the winter, predator protection during times when we usually see hawks (namely mid-winter, which is when we've had losses to hawks), and extra air flow in the coop overnight during the summer thanks to being able to leave the coop doors open to their porch overnight. Yep, the girls are just a little spoiled. :D
Thank you everyone for your kind words, it really means alot. My husband will be quick to say that I'm very attached to my birds LOL. On the plus side of the sad day of losing Rosie, I received my first egg from Raven -Americana pullet, well not anymore
. What's neat is I've never received an olive colored egg before from my other Americanas. Totally tickled about that.
I also forgot to ask before I sent that. Does anyone in NWI happen to have a female Muscvoy they would like to rehome or sell? Duke, our male who was rehomed to us, is very lonely and could use a forever mate. Poor Duke has been hanging out with my Peking gals, mostly Suzie&Lucy. Which in return kind of upsets Ace a little since he wants his girls LOL. Photo is of Duke with Lucy&Suzie hanging out in neighbor's yard.

About posting, I have to admit I've been very busy mommy. Between my entire bird crew and my two very own offspring (LOL, my kids), I've been super crazy busy, even more so once school starts back up on the 17th. After finishing up the pond, our latest project is building two more coops so everyone is more comfortable when Winter season comes. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful/safe weekend.
God Bless
It does seem awfully quiet here lately... *cricket chirps* ...

Actually, we have been a bit busy over here. My mom, brother, and I (but mostly my mom because she's amazing) have been working for the past week or two on an 8x16 foot, predator-proof, solid-roofed, 'covered porch' structure on the front of the coop, for extra shelter space in the winter, predator protection during times when we usually see hawks (namely mid-winter, which is when we've had losses to hawks), and extra air flow in the coop overnight during the summer thanks to being able to leave the coop doors open to their porch overnight. Yep, the girls are just a little spoiled.

That is wonderful!!!!! You better be posting some photos.

You'll be so glad you have that in the winter that you'll wonder why you didn't do it before.


I also forgot to ask before I sent that. Does anyone in NWI happen to have a female Muscvoy they would like to rehome or sell? Duke, our male who was rehomed to us, is very lonely and could use a forever mate. Poor Duke has been hanging out with my Peking gals, mostly Suzie&Lucy. Which in return kind of upsets Ace a little since he wants his girls LOL. Photo is of Duke with Lucy&Suzie hanging out in n
Well...I'm not too far from you but no ducks here.

Do you folks have any ducks over your way?

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