Interested in Call Ducks


May 8, 2016
Alberta, Canada
Hi there,
So I currently raise quail, but they are attracting too many predators so this spring I am ducking out of raising them. I will be building a new coop out of my old one, though. Its original design was for quail- it's 4x8, like this:

But, I want to raise something to put in that coop. I currently have chickens (running a Wyandotte breeding program soon), and I've had Rouen ducks before.
I am wondering- what would call ducks be like? Easy to care for? Not? How much demand do you guys get (these birds will produce hatching eggs/chicks to sell etc)?
is that the actual coop?
calls wouldnt be able to get into it, and its very small
how big is the actual living space?

calls are very noisy and so could attract even more predators
they can also fly
they are very difficult to hatch
No, it's the coop I am going to emulate.
The predators I am having issues with are only attracted to quail; long story. I've had no issues whatsoever with ducks or chickens.
Hi there,
So I currently raise quail, but they are attracting too many predators so this spring I am ducking out of raising them. I will be building a new coop out of my old one, though. Its original design was for quail- it's 4x8, like this:
View attachment 1240768
But, I want to raise something to put in that coop. I currently have chickens (running a Wyandotte breeding program soon), and I've had Rouen ducks before.
I am wondering- what would call ducks be like? Easy to care for? Not? How much demand do you guys get (these birds will produce hatching eggs/chicks to sell etc)?
I have Calls and pretty much the same Coop and Run..Yes they can use that...Perfect house for Calls...:thumbsup
What kind of demand do you have? How easy or difficult are they to manage- especially in the cold? Should I be providing a pond to swim in like with normal sized ducks?
Demand is high...I have waiting lists.
They are easy. No different than other Ducks just smaller ..Happy little Birds. I do not clip wings to allow them to flee from a predator. I free range as I am out with them...A kiddie pool is great for swimming..Depending how cold your winter gets?..Here its horrid at times..I run heat in my Coops.
Demand is high...I have waiting lists.
They are easy. No different than other Ducks just smaller ..Happy little Birds. I do not clip wings to allow them to flee from a predator. I free range as I am out with them...A kiddie pool is great for swimming..Depending how cold your winter gets?..Here its horrid at times..I run heat in my Coops.
I have power near my coops, although this coop is not yet built- we have to wait for the ground to thaw. I won't be free ranging, they will be in the run area- if I can manage. If not, I will consider letting them out. I'm not set on Calls, but I do want to find a replacement for my quail come spring.
I plan to somewhat heat the coop... I have my current chicken coop heated as we have down to -50F temps and I have chicks right now. I think I would let them swim during summer. My concern is keeping their nares clean in winter.
I don't know about ducks yet. I've had them before. Calls are cute- but I have had ducks before and there are many options.

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