*this space for rent*
(Correct me if I’m wrong on anything) Your main issues with your BCMs is tail angle and the narrowness in the rear, other than that, they are fantastic. That White cockerel has great type, low tail and wider rear. As he is E^R masked by c/c, when bred to BCMs you want to fix the tails of, the offspring will be golden (as in half silver half gold) black/blues. So if you found these had improved type than your BCMs, the only thing you’d need to do is breed them true for gold, aka copper, and breed out recessive white if you wanted.
The only downsides would be recessive white if you didn’t want it occasionally showing up again, and maybe a loss of Autosomal red genes, but they can be worked back in easily, especially given the quality of copper you already have.
(Also the clean leggedness, but that can also be fixed easily.)
Thank you for the insight. I'll jot all this down in my notes and may need to pick your brain more as I grasp all this.Breeding gold in to improve silver should not be done, as the autosomal red genes mess up the purity of silver, leaving you with golden or cream colours which are difficult to breed out.
The other way around, breeding silvers into golds (coppers), is less damaging as you want autosomal red in them anyway (you may find the red gets diluted a little, which is fixable). You just need to breed two of the S/s+ offspring produced to get back to pure s+/s+.
Will this mating be like breeding Solo to Kong, where all males will be culls and females pure, only backwards?
I like the idea of using Solo, as all males could be sold, and I'm at least getting pure BCM females.