In the Brooder
I have six 5 month old Swedish and Cayuga ducks, one Drake and 5 females. My husband found a baby chicken on the side of the road and brought him home so of course we had to get him a buddy. So I found the Pekin Mallard mix duckling. And I have been keeping them in the yard during the day in a round pen together. At night I've been keeping them in the duck house separated from the other ducks using wired mesh. The chicken will jump out and follow the Ducks around at a distance. Sometimes they will nip at him but have never actually hurt him. My duckling is getting close to the size of the larger ducks and is fully feathered but doesn't quite have a quack yet. My question is when is a good time to put them together and how could I do it also what could I expect to happen and when should I intervene? I have put the little duck with the bigger and they chased him pulled out his feathers. last time they just grabbed his neck the male and one female but I intervened.