Inventions To Thank Pagans For

Yes Q9- I'd like to know more about this book too.

I recently emailed a man that has a regular "column" (it's really ad space) in a local paper.
He claimed that the Grand Canyon was only 7000 years old, and had some biblical explanation for
saying so.

Now, I am a geologist, and my area of concentration is fluvial geomorphology (river systems basically).
I don't care if people "spread the word", but when you start messing with science

This is so fun!
I am in the southeast and there are a lot of fundamentalists who assume that a 'real' Christian can not believe in evolution. I certainly am a real Christian and have a strong love of science. It can be very frustrating to order science books for my children(we homeschool) and discover that all the Christian curriculum is strongly opposed to teaching evolution. Sigh
I am in the southeast and there are a lot of fundamentalists who assume that a 'real' Christian can not believe in evolution. I certainly am a real Christian and have a strong love of science. It can be very frustrating to order science books for my children(we homeschool) and discover that all the Christian curriculum is strongly opposed to teaching evolution. Sigh

THAT is why I DON'T homeschool. Some of our friends here do- and it's all Christian-based.
I spent 12 years in Catholic school- but we were taught true science. That's what inspired me to go into geology in the first place.
But- I cannot, in good conscious, follow a curriculum that doesn't teach evolution. Let alone pay for the materials!
I think my kids need the socialization of school anyway.

The strange thing is- we are one city over from the site of the "Scopes Monkey Trial".
I am in the southeast and there are a lot of fundamentalists who assume that a 'real' Christian can not believe in evolution. I certainly am a real Christian and have a strong love of science. It can be very frustrating to order science books for my children(we homeschool) and discover that all the Christian curriculum is strongly opposed to teaching evolution. Sigh

THAT is why I DON'T homeschool. Some of our friends here do- and it's all Christian-based.
I spent 12 years in Catholic school- but we were taught true science. That's what inspired me to go into geology in the first place.
But- I cannot, in good conscious, follow a curriculum that doesn't teach evolution. Let alone pay for the materials!
I think my kids need the socialization of school anyway.

The strange thing is- we are one city over from the site of the "Scopes Monkey Trial".

I buy secular science and history books from ebay. My hubby is taking college biology and we are reading his textbook for science. He is supposed to do some experiments with the girls.

Homeschoolers really have to make an effort to make certain that their children are socialized. That is one weakness of homeschooling, I admit.
THAT is why I DON'T homeschool. Some of our friends here do- and it's all Christian-based.
I spent 12 years in Catholic school- but we were taught true science. That's what inspired me to go into geology in the first place.
But- I cannot, in good conscious, follow a curriculum that doesn't teach evolution. Let alone pay for the materials!
I think my kids need the socialization of school anyway.

The strange thing is- we are one city over from the site of the "Scopes Monkey Trial".

I buy secular science and history books from ebay. My hubby is taking college biology and we are reading his textbook for science. He is supposed to do some experiments with the girls.

Homeschoolers really have to make an effort to make certain that their children are socialized. That is one weakness of homeschooling, I admit.

Good for you! When your kids go off to college- they'll be prepared. Most universities require so many credit hours of natural science to graduate, and even to get in.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Really wanna get a group of people going?? Tell 'em Charles Darwin never said "survival of the fittest!"

He didn't!

Correct, and neither did he say that humans 'descended from monkeys'. That's another favorite!​
That's why I want to get my hands on the book!

I love reading anything which challenges what I "think" I know!!! I always challenge my students to make me change my mind! Show me I am wrong! They do way more research trying to prove me wrong than they would on the subjects otherwise!!
Hhmmm... this has been fun reading! Just to bump it back a bit: I have heard some describe Heathen as those who follow/practice the old Germanic/Norse religions (yes Pagan). And BTW, the pagan Celts gave the Catholics (St) Brigit. She was supposedly in cahoots (read bed, LOL) with (St) Patrick. No wonder Christianity was brought to Ireland without bloodshed LOL. And if you're interested, there's another very recent book out there that does a decent job of explaining Wicca to the average Joe/Jane. It's called "Wicca Demystified" by Bryan Lankford. He's pretty active in Interfaith stuff in the Dallas area. Oooh- the tradition of making a wish when blowing out your birthday candles is also a pagan custom! (sorry, brain is made of swiss cheese today)
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Sorry to go backwards on you BFeathered, I just wanted to post this link as an interesting and thoughtful look at Darwin. It's a discussion between Krista Tippett and James Moore who co-wrote a biographical book on Darwin about his life and the times in which he lived. It's not word for word Darwin, but it does add to understanding the times and his adventures.

It's easy to listen to, just click on the 'listen now' link on the upper left of the page.

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