Is it ok to let ducks sleep outside on pond before shed is built?

As far as weather and staying out at night ducks are very hardy. Mine have a large pen at night and rarely seek out the shelters in it.
Ducks can learn routines. Mine go to the pond during the day and come back to the pen for the night (not until quite dark). They learned the routine by only being fed in the pen.
am sorry to hear that, it is much easier when they listen to you. Can imagine the fustration of herding them. Everyone here answers to puppy puppy puppy, mine both birds and fowl are not cuddly, but they listen and follow finger pointing or certain words. I have the appleyard breed and great personalities. I do have dogs in the areas, predators are relentless. Was dark and trying to convince the geese to stop the pool party, when a cyote jumped the 6ft chain link fence and came running straight for me and the geese sitting right outside the barn. It was my dogs that bolted out of the barn to chase it over the fence. the LGD's have been a good thing.
Okay, your coyote story sufficiently freaked me out. I have a 6-ft fence, and a few brats that are refusing to get out of the pond at night.Teenages,what do you do?. I heard the neighbor's cows putting up a fuss & dog barking so I went out and had some eye shine about 30 ft on the other side of the fence. I decided I needed to come in and get some protection and by the time I got back out there I didn't see it again. We haven't had any big cat sightings lately, knock on wood, Them I worry about coming over the fence or being up in a tree. I always thought coyotes were more shy. When I knew there were cats around I was good about taking a gun with me.My luck though in the dark without glasses I'd end up hitting a horse or cow.I get along really well with my neighbor,I don't want to mess that up!
I do worry about the duckers that refuse to come in,I like to think the pond is big enough that they would have enough room to do the ducky freakout thing and get away while I get out the door and down the hill to them. two neighbors with guardian dogs so I hear them barking and wake up. Our German Shepherd is too much of a princess to spend the night outside. (She's my husband's dog).
Dang ducks anyway!
Hey, I just wanted to follow up on this. I've been camping out by the pond with the waterfowl. The ducks seem pretty independent but the turkey poults and goslings seem to want shelter and frankly parents when dusk comes around.
I've actually really enjoyed the fresh air. Here's their cabin in progress:

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