Is it ok to spank our roo?

I don't know how to apply the water thing to a rooster, they are so quick. Doing chores and in the close confines of the coop, a bottle or hose isn't going to be instant. Snatching the roo by the heels and dunking him in the horse water trough upside down a couple times, might work.
OK, ok, all you gigglers. Here's one of my sources: isn't about being all smoochy-smoo or coddling or petting. It isn't about being a submissive rooster or hen or a dominant rooster . It's about how to convince your rooster you AREN'T ANOTHER ROOSTER. Which, you know, makes sense. Of course, perhaps you folks are roosters after all?

Newbie over and out.
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Chicken.Lytle :

Here is how to take care of an incorrigible rooster.

Seriously though, I re-homed my overly aggressive Roos in the freezer too. You lose enough skin and they are just not worth the trouble any more. And I am SO going to try that recipe. Thanks​
Ditto. I stomp forward with my arms out from my sides (like a roo would do his wings) and loudly challenge him with "Brrraaaawkkkk" (that low growly noise they make at each other when they spar). I don't stop until I have the offending roo in full retreat for at least one lap around the chicken yard. My DH laughs his behind off every time I do this, but it has worked with every roo I've had a problem with. I've had a couple I had to repeat this with quite a few times, but eventually they all understand that I'm "top roo."
Ditto. I stomp forward with my arms out from my sides (like a roo would do his wings) and loudly challenge him with "Brrraaaawkkkk" (that low growly noise they make at each other when they spar). I don't stop until I have the offending roo in full retreat for at least one lap around the chicken yard. My DH laughs his behind off every time I do this, but it has worked with every roo I've had a problem with. I've had a couple I had to repeat this with quite a few times, but eventually they all understand that I'm "top roo."

I will remember this.....even better with a glass of sangria!
My current roo is Clarence, a buff orp. When I picked up a hen for the neighbor, the hen laid an egg in the back of my car. That became Clarence. He challanged me a bit the last few months, but with the stalking, I see him stop and think, LOL. Now he kind of follows me around, still trying to figure me out, I can chase him away, but he comes back and just hangs out with me. Strange guy.

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I used to have a rooster that wouldattack me but I've ben doig ths my whole life (12 years) and i would grab them legs when he came at me and he stopped day 4 of tha method and now he'll attack anyone if i'm not there but if i show up i can hold him put him on my shoulder and do anythig i want to to the hens.But watch out for spurs!
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