Is my Buff Laced Polish a pullet or a cockerel?


Aug 17, 2020
Queens, NY
My newly purchased 6 week old Buff Laced Polish was sold to me as a pullet, with 6 other pullets, but though I know little about chickens, I suspect that Buffy is actually a cockerel. The reason I think Buffy is male is because of difference in behavior and personality is different than from the others, and his crest is big and wild, unlike the crest of the Golden Laced Polish, which is smaller and neater. Buffy is also much more "atrevido"/brave/forward and aggressive, his vocalizations are more subtle, while the Golden Laced Polish coos and chirps a lot, and he's less social, not liking to be touched. But what convinced me that Buffy is most likely a male is the obvious wattle growing on each side of chin, which the Golden Laced Polish doesn't have. The wattle isn't bright red, it's a light peachy pink color, so maybe that means Buffy is female. The seller (a backyard breeder) insist it's female, so I hope she's right and I'm wrong. What do you think?
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Sigh... just as I feared. What am I going to do with a rooster?
The usual options are:
-Keep. If it's legal, and if you want to deal with one, and if you have enough hens.
-Rehome. To a farm, someone on BYC, facebook, etc.
-Rehome with the probability of him going to the stewpot. If you put him on Craigslist for cheap someone might buy him and butcher him.
-Butcher, or have someone else butcher for you. For most people, this is either the first or last resort.

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