Is Respiratory infection life long?

Eggcessive is way more experienced than I am but I get why you're worried. I posted basically the same worries- thinking there was no hope. My chickens were sneezing and coughing and one had bubbly eyes. All symptoms of respiratory illness. I had some die unexpectedly when they were younger but they were acting normal right before.

After calming down, taking to smart folks like Eggcessive, and doing research... it didn't seem so scary. I got the right medicine and treated their symptoms and they're all happy and healthy now. MG is not necessarily a death sentence. The symptoms will come out in times of stress but they'll still be good chickens.

If you can get an illness confirmed by a lab, then you have a better idea of what to deal with.
That's true. I need to know what I'll be dealing with with the rest of the flock. Thank you for your comment. I feel less worried.
I just keep kicking myself for not doing enough for the one I just lost but I need to think about other ones, too.

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