Is She Old, Cold, or Sick?

How is lovely Jill doing? Any update?
So sorry! It's been a busy couple of days!

She's doing fine now, which surprises me because it's snowed the last couple of days, and the birds have been confined to the run. It gets a lil crowded in there when they're all in there. It's plenty big according to the "guidelines," but since they usually have access to the yard, too, it feels crowded. They've been very good birds.

Maybe it was the niacin? Or maybe she'd hurt herself getting in or out of the pool? Idk. I'm just glad.

Thank you for asking!
So sorry! It's been a busy couple of days!

She's doing fine now, which surprises me because it's snowed the last couple of days, and the birds have been confined to the run. It gets a lil crowded in there when they're all in there. It's plenty big according to the "guidelines," but since they usually have access to the yard, too, it feels crowded. They've been very good birds.

Maybe it was the niacin? Or maybe she'd hurt herself getting in or out of the pool? Idk. I'm just glad.

Thank you for asking!
That's good news, whatever it was about, I'm glad she's doing better!
She's such a pretty girl, and I think she's happy here because she's quiet again. She is my quietest duck by far! She'll join in the duckie discussions, but I have never heard her QUACK.
She is a very pretty girl indeed!
Dougie used to be really quiet, but ever since she went broody months ago, she's been so noisy! Sprightly is quieter now though. Let's Dougie do most of the talking.
I think all my females are loud, but my Rouen, River, is probably the loudest. Last summer it was my Magpie, Luna, when she had ducklings. OY!
Here, it's Julep, my Pekin. Good lord. She is louder than the Calls. She is louder than the geese. She is the loudest loud thing since loud came to Loud Town. But I love her. She thinks she's a chicken and snuggles with my Cochin at night

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