Is small poops normal?


Nov 18, 2023
3.5 Year old Buff cochin has very small dry ish poops recently for about a few days. She eats and drinks normally as I can see. She is slightly less active than normal which is strange because it is warmer now. Doesn’t lay eggs for now but her abdomen isn’t hard and she doesn’t look hunched.

What can small poops mean besides less food or water?

I know i’ve posted many things about her but she has a change of attitude and I really don’t know why. She just sits around all day but when I approach her she seems pretty happy and healthy.
Can you post any pictures of her poops? What color are they?
Hi, I can’t post any pictures right now but they are about a bit larger than my thumbnail and bumpy/dryer than normal, and is normal brown/dark brown. I can try to find a online image that looks like it if you need.
Can you post any pictures of her poops? What color are they?
Update: her poops look normal now, but I wasn't able to get photos. However for the past few days she has been acting weird. All she wants to do is stand in one place or sit in one place. She rarely scratches around anymore. She eats and drinks normally still but sits looking kind of puffed up even though it isn't that cold.

1st pic is when she was more active, 2nd (fullbody pic) is her all throughout the day. Her head is tucked and she puffs herself up a little.
(I know she looks huge in the pic, she is puffed up and usually doesn't look that large, lol)
Here are some possibilities:
Inspect her closely for lice or mites especially around her vent area. Permethrin will take care of them.
She may need to be wormed. Use Valbazen or Safeguard.
She could be eggbound. When was the last time she laid an egg?
Since she is eating and drinking normally, she might be broody. Does she squawk at you when you try to pick her up?
Here are some possibilities:
Inspect her closely for lice or mites especially around her vent area. Permethrin will take care of them.
She may need to be wormed. Use Valbazen or Safeguard.
She could be eggbound. When was the last time she laid an egg?
Since she is eating and drinking normally, she might be broody. Does she squawk at you when you try to pick her up?
I checked her vent, it looks fine.
I dewormed her for one day, I’ll deworm again?
She has not laid an egg since they stopped in the wintertime. I thought she might be too but her abdomen isn’t hard and she can poop fine?
She doesn’t squawk when I pick her up
What does their diet consist of? I first thought she looked like a coccidia stance, or one of the things the others mentioned, then compared and she's huge!
What does their diet consist of? I first thought she looked like a coccidia stance, or one of the things the others mentioned, then compared and she's huge!
They eat feed that I’ve made sure is healthy and has the least amount of food and salt as possible.

I used to feed them grubs daily but stopped because I realize that’s unhealthy.
They get vegetables 1-3 times a week

None of my other hens are big and I can feel all of their keel bones. I can feel her keel bone but it’s a little more faint than the others. She just has a big belly that I don’t know is ascites or just fat. It’s not getting bigger and feels like a belly.
What does their diet consist of? I first thought she looked like a coccidia stance, or one of the things the others mentioned, then compared and she's huge!
I’m hoping she’s just fat, I can help her lose weight. I’m concerned if it’s another issue


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I’m hoping she’s just fat, I can help her lose weight. I’m concerned if it’s another issue
Sometimes one chicken, just like people, can get fat, but I don't think so here. Do you have any calcium pills? I would pop a 400 iu or something around that into her mouth. That will cause contractions, so if she has an egg stuck (egg bound) at least you're nipping that in the bud as she'd not live very much longer if that's what that was. It won't hurt her regardless and at least eliminate that as what's wrong.

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