Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

man there’s nothing worse than having to wear a suit in the summer.

i’ve declined wedding invitations if it’s gonna be too hot. here’s a check, i don’t feel like sweating for 6 hours.
Outdoor summer weddings are stupid in Texas. I would never.
Gah, I wish I had your class. We just spent most of the first semester reading Grapes of Wrath and comparing it to Bible Belt Christianity
Eww. I HATED the Grapes of Wrath. Also hated Great Expectations. The Tempest was alright. The Old Man and the Sea was okay. Moby Dick is like one of the worst pieces of literature I've ever had the displeasure of attempting to read. made it through 25 chapters and said no thank you. I remember sitting at the tanning salon trying to read it while my mom was tanning. Horrible book.

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