Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

It’s a terrible movie lol…Unless you like dark humor ;)
Yep. Mordred, mostly. We don't read the whole thing. It's too long and difficult a read for kids who don't give a s***. I just read a few highlights, like the quest for the Grail, to reinforce literary archetypes and as a set up for Monty Python.

I was gonna say! I read it in senior year high school and it was a challenge to finish it all then
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My mom had to go super in depth into that book in her English class in college. A a year and a half later and it's still just popping up in her life in the weirdest ways

I read the child's version when I was a kid, and enjoyed it, but it wasn't as dense as the actual one. Same reason I don't read Harry Potter or Narnia
Hold the phone did you just compare Moby Dick to Harry Potter and Narnia?!

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