Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

Oh I see. Well in 2020 you could say my catchphrase was "what'd I miss?" and everyone got so mad at me for asking for summaries instead of reading back 30 pages :lau
well in 2023 we have colt summaries which are gif-a-pallozas of comments he missed as he catches up. :)
"Nuke from orbit, it's the only way to be sure"
The World GIF
And I didn't mention what happened on the way home day before yesterday. I was about 3 1/2 hours away when I pulled off at an exit for some gas. The brakes suddenly awfully soft. I mean, I was pushing them practically to the floor before I was getting any engagement. Definitely unusual and a definitive change from how they felt that morning.
Since they *worked* still, there was a temptation to keep driving, but that was not going to be a smart plan so I called Diego to ask him his opinion. He had me check the brake fluid and it wasn't empty but not too far above the minimum line. I had to drive around to a couple of different gas stations because the one I was at didn't have it. So I filled it up with brake fluid and made it the rest of the way home all-in-one piece, thankfully. The brake fluid was drained by the time I got home so there must be a leak in the line somewhere.
My first car had a brake fluid leak. I just kept a case in the trunk and filled up as needed. lol
Freaking hate vegetables
Dawg? Is that you? Or is it Duckie or Fetus that hates all things green, too?
well in 2023 we have colt summaries which are gif-a-pallozas of comments he missed as he catches up. :)
We Should Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

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