Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

I'm reading this in the voice of the goose from Charlotte's web...
Mosquitoes only bite my ankles, strangely enough.
These scientists also learned that mosquitoes are drawn to human body odor in particular, but they weren’t sure exactly how. To test out specific body odors, the researchers asked a handful of study participants to rub their feet on a set of glass beads. These beads were then placed in the same area as several species of mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes identified them immediately! The results indicate that mosquitoes are more attracted to the human foot than some other body parts, which can explain why we tend to get more bites there, particularly in the months that mosquitoes are more active. Other studies have indicated that bacteria present on our feet may be particularly irresistible to these biting pests.
You forgot "!". :lau
How could I?!
faint i cant GIF

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