Ivermectin topical dose for 5 mg per ml

This is my personal experience, but I figured I'd share it. When I did the math, I got that it was about 1 drop per pound of bird. It actually covered a tiny bit more than a pound with a drop. I know, it's crazy, but I went out & stood on the human scale with several of my chickens & got a good feel for what they felt like pound wise, lol! And then I dosed each bird by feeling them and dosing accordingly. It worked for me for chicken mites & for the worms they had. The birds I have are easter eggers, welsummers, olive eggers, silkies, polish, cochins, houdans and d'uccles. I did only 1 drop for my tiny d'uccles, and I did 4 drops on my easter egger rooster (my biggest boy), who is 4.5 lbs. I dosed them all twice, 10 days apart. I hope this helps anybody! 🙏
One really big drop per pound might be enough. A normal drop is only 0.02 ml, so not enough.
I took her to the vet (too expensive) and he said she may have lice or mites that did not show up on a skin scraping but her flight feathers are totally a mess - no down, nothing on the brackets. Just bare twigs where her feathers should be. She also comes out of the coop every so often with blood at the base of one of those feathers. He treated her with injectable ivermectin and suggested I come back in 7 - 10 days for the second dose. Wants me to call in 7 days to tell him if she's better, which doesn't really make sense to me because it would take longer than that to grow those feathers out. She also preens a lot, so I didn't know if it was invisible parasites or nervousness. I don't think the later because the drake looks perfect as did her (otherwise very healthy) sister who died a couple weeks ago of something to do with balance. They are free range during the day and in the secure well kept coop at night. I also deworm them once a week with a hot pepper herbal in their food.
Have you purchased the ivermectin yet? If not, I would suggest getting the injectable and giving it orally.
No but that would mean 10 mg of ivermectin per 1 ml and I don't know if they have that. I think I can find the syringe though and if so will do the topical, as I think that will be easier. She's VERY wild (good survival instinct!) and I have not yet given her anything orally.
No but that would mean 10 mg of ivermectin per 1 ml and I don't know if they have that. I think I can find the syringe though and if so will do the topical, as I think that will be easier. She's VERY wild (good survival instinct!) and I have not yet given her anything orally.
Orally is more reliable, that's why I suggested it.
One really big drop per pound might be enough. A normal drop is only 0.02 ml, so not enough.
Hi! I just relooked over my syringe and everything. My syringe is a traditional syringe with the metal tip taken off. I just checked and 1 ml is 20 drops for my syringe. The box says 1ml per 22 lbs. So to my equation, I got that each drop covers basically 1 pound each. Either way, at that dose, it got rid of the mites and the worms both for me in my case.
Hi! I just relooked over my syringe and everything. My syringe is a traditional syringe with the metal tip taken off. I just checked and 1 ml is 20 drops for my syringe. The box says 1ml per 22 lbs. So to my equation, I got that each drop covers basically 1 pound each. Either way, at that dose, it got rid of the mites and the worms both for me in my case.
1 ml per 22 pounds = 0.5 mg per kg

22 pounds / 2.2 (converts to kg) x 0.5 (mg per kg) / 5 (mg per ml) = 1 ml

With me so far?

Replace 22 with 1
1 pound / 2.2 (converts to kg) x 0.5 (mg per kg) / 5 (mg per ml) = 0.045 ml per pound

Replace 1 with the 6:
6 pounds / 2.2 (converts to kg) x 0.5 (mg per kg) / 5 (mg per ml) = 0.27 ml per six pounds
my ivermectin is the sheep drench and it’s 0.08% solution … pray tell how much of this kind given topically per pound of duck (or chicken or goose? )
Ivermectin sheep drench is a 0.08% solution = 0.8 mg per 1 ml and is given orally.

Given orally, not topically.
No less than:
1 / 2.2 x 0.2 /.8 = 0.11 ml per pound
No more than:
1 / 2.2 x 1 /.8 = 0.57 ml per pound

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