Jungle Fowl

Who here raises jungle fowl, and what colors? Does anyone have pics of their birds to post here? How much do eggs typically cost? Is the incubation different from a chicken?
My first Red Jungle Fowl chick (from wild caught parents) just hatched. 19 grams of concentrated cuteness.
21 days exactly. Connecting the fan to the thermostat has solved the previous overheating problem caused by running the fan motor continuously. Replacing the 12 watt viewing lamp with a 3 watt LED has eliminated the overheating problems I caused when I forgot to switch it off after viewing. But the cooler is too small to add an automatic turner and I'm too busy to build one, so I bought a commercial egg turner and built a new cabinet incubator to house it...:lau


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Hey I bought incubators because work... need some things done autopilot too. Eventually I will add back Jungle Fowl... I got Saipan coming totally different than the Vietnamese Jungle Bird I did have... that is what I was told the hen was, if so I had an Endangered species for years running around the place... I think it was a Vietnamese RJF, but man was she not like the other birds... even the neighbors thought she was not a chicken, they called her the pheasant. Anyway she was a cool hen. I am trying out some new breeds this year.
Does anyone have some pure breed gray jungle fowl (Gallus sonnerati) and green Jungle fowl (Gallus varius) fertile eggs they might like to sell?
Does anyone have some pure breed gray jungle fowl (Gallus sonnerati) and green Jungle fowl (Gallus varius) fertile eggs they might like to sell?
Due to the sensitive nature of those eggs, shipped eggs are no good and people who keep any of the junglefowl species usually will not sell eggs. You might get away with it only if there was someone living close to you, but then again, eggs are only laid in the spring. Your best bet would be to purchase the birds instead.
Yes, I raise junglefowl. Leghorns. Just joking.
I don't raise junglefowl.

Junglefowl incubation is the same as chickens (since all junglefowl and chickens are the same species), 21 days.
As for the wild races (Indian Red; Ceylon; Grey; and Green), I have no idea of prices.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Mine are always 19 days never 21 days for several generations
Actually there are 4 species of jungle fowl and chickens are either red jungle fowl or possibly reds with a very small percentage of grey in them. The 4 species are:
Gallus gallus, the red jungle fowl (and all domestic chickens)
Gallus sonneratti, the grey jungle fowl
Gallus varius, the green jungle fowl
Gallus lafayeti, the Sri Lanka jungle fowl

I have greys and greens but I have not been successful at breeding the greens yet. There may be several reasons, first it gets cold where I live and green jungle fowl are very intolerant of cold temps (I heat their pen all winter long), there is a lot of activity around the pens and they are very shy birds, also they are just over 2 years old, green jungle fowl need more time to mature then the other species.

The grey jungle fowl I have are great quality, I have 3 pairs, one from a fantastic breeder and have pedigree back to wild imported birds and the other 2 are F1's (all 4 parent birds were wild caught). I got my first eggs of the season two days ago, I know this is way early, but because of the green jungle fowl needing heat the pen with the greys stays warm as well and I think I am confusing them with the warm December we are having and the extra heat. Normally I sell the eggs for $60 each, last year I had way more requests then eggs and a good hatch rate. It is the first time I have ever had 100% hatch on the eggs I kept, I always check fertility and hatch some birds for future breeders and to sell. I kept 8 eggs from the grey jungle fowl hoping to get 5 or 6 to hatch, not only did all of them hatch but it ended up being 4 roosters and 4 hens. My perfect season!
Are you still breeding and selling the babies?
Actually there are 4 species of jungle fowl and chickens are either red jungle fowl or possibly reds with a very small percentage of grey in them. The 4 species are:
Gallus gallus, the red jungle fowl (and all domestic chickens)
Gallus sonneratti, the grey jungle fowl
Gallus varius, the green jungle fowl
Gallus lafayeti, the Sri Lanka jungle fowl

I have greys and greens but I have not been successful at breeding the greens yet. There may be several reasons, first it gets cold where I live and green jungle fowl are very intolerant of cold temps (I heat their pen all winter long), there is a lot of activity around the pens and they are very shy birds, also they are just over 2 years old, green jungle fowl need more time to mature then the other species.

The grey jungle fowl I have are great quality, I have 3 pairs, one from a fantastic breeder and have pedigree back to wild imported birds and the other 2 are F1's (all 4 parent birds were wild caught). I got my first eggs of the season two days ago, I know this is way early, but because of the green jungle fowl needing heat the pen with the greys stays warm as well and I think I am confusing them with the warm December we are having and the extra heat. Normally I sell the eggs for $60 each, last year I had way more requests then eggs and a good hatch rate. It is the first time I have ever had 100% hatch on the eggs I kept, I always check fertility and hatch some birds for future breeders and to sell. I kept 8 eggs from the grey jungle fowl hoping to get 5 or 6 to hatch, not only did all of them hatch but it ended up being 4 roosters and 4 hens. My perfect season!
Hi. Are you still breeding and selling your baby wild flowl?
Actually there are 4 species of jungle fowl and chickens are either red jungle fowl or possibly reds with a very small percentage of grey in them. The 4 species are:
Gallus gallus, the red jungle fowl (and all domestic chickens)
Gallus sonneratti, the grey jungle fowl
Gallus varius, the green jungle fowl
Gallus lafayeti, the Sri Lanka jungle fowl

I have greys and greens but I have not been successful at breeding the greens yet. There may be several reasons, first it gets cold where I live and green jungle fowl are very intolerant of cold temps (I heat their pen all winter long), there is a lot of activity around the pens and they are very shy birds, also they are just over 2 years old, green jungle fowl need more time to mature then the other species.

The grey jungle fowl I have are great quality, I have 3 pairs, one from a fantastic breeder and have pedigree back to wild imported birds and the other 2 are F1's (all 4 parent birds were wild caught). I got my first eggs of the season two days ago, I know this is way early, but because of the green jungle fowl needing heat the pen with the greys stays warm as well and I think I am confusing them with the warm December we are having and the extra heat. Normally I sell the eggs for $60 each, last year I had way more requests then eggs and a good hatch rate. It is the first time I have ever had 100% hatch on the eggs I kept, I always check fertility and hatch some birds for future breeders and to sell. I kept 8 eggs from the grey jungle fowl hoping to get 5 or 6 to hatch, not only did all of them hatch but it ended up being 4 roosters and 4 hens. My perfect season!
Are you still breeding and selling baby jungle fowl?

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