Kentucky people

Well, I'm gonna need to lock up the orps pretty soon. They all want to wander MUCH further than is safe for them to wander. I have one hen (AWOL is her name) who goes nearly up to the road!! the road, btw, is 1/4 mile from the house.
stoop!d hen.

I had two today who wanted to go up the hayfield where that cow was yesterday - it is on the other side of a ditch with weeds and brambles in it, this is where the coyotes pass through, and where theone coyote took that chick this past summer.

I intend to work on my net tonight and get it done totally so I can maybe lock them up in the coop tomorrow (I need the net to put them all in the same coop - at night they don't go into the same coops).

Since I don't have the top coop emptied yet, I'll have to put the cochins in with the orps, then put the barred rocks in with the buff bantams and cochin bantams. George can take his girls to their old coop (the center one, it hasn't any run, so they'd be freerange still). The orp girls and the cochin girls all get along really well anyway - so they'd be happy to be together. In fact, two of them Nana (cochin) and Nellie (orp) stick together like glue all day long. Nana and Nellie are my Porch Chickens

today I saw Bubba (orp roo - the love bandit) getting one of his girls and the cochin roo (who has yet to "pull out his manhood" at all) was standing right by watching closely as if he were taking notes
might be a good thing to put him in with Bubba.
it was so funny, the cochin roo walked right over to Bubba and his hen and bent down, cocked his head sideways and looked underneath to see how it all worked.

Turns out we are going to Casey County sale saturday I'm just not taking any chickens or ducks this time - gonna observe and take notes, and take some in the spring.

I may bring something home though, so I'm taking the calf trailer. I've been trying to talk hubby into a couple of pigs today
we have a place for them, just need to bring them home and put them in the pen.

I hope it doesn't rain saturday, that would blow.

You and me both, Meri, all my birds will be in cardboard boxes, so if it rains I'll be in trouble!

I have been so busy today, and still didn't get anything done
I moved the chicks off the porch into a cage in the backyard, then cleaned that box out. Got that done, and moved the baby guineas and bigger chicks into the box on the porch, and proceeded to clean their box out.

Thought I was doing good, then dad called me
He decided that he needed to work on the 'room' he is building on, and he has to do everything the hard way. I guess he needed someone to b!tch at, cause that's about all he did. I was about ready to walk away, but that would have caused even more strife. Finally got done with him (or so I thought) and went back to cleaning my brooders.

About 5:30, I was finally 'done', though I still didn't get the buttons' cages cleaned out. I didn't get any of my boxes ready for Saturday, didn't get any homework done (this is finals week), it really ticks me off.

Then to top it all off, I noticed that dad has taken liberty of my roofing nails, so I'll get to buy some more of them when I get ready to finish my chicken building

I'm gonna take a few weeks off school so I can get it done, as it's not getting any warmer. After Saturday, the birds will be hard-pressed to keep warm in the building with most of them gone.

I'm gonna have a lot of OEGB youngsters going, mostly BB reds, blue-breasted reds, and blues. I can't believe I've got so many!! I'm not sure if I'll need all the boxes I have, but at least I've got plenty if I do need them.

I wish that stupid building was done already, so I could put my keepers up. My luck I'll sell some blue OEGB hens then lose the ones I want to keep
Hope not, but that's how it seems to work.

I'm gonna call it a night early today, Dad either doesn't know or doesn't care (likely) that trying to hold a heavy object (like a 6'x12' sheet of tin) up over my head makes my back hurt really bad

Hopefully I'll remember to go to the bank before Saturday, I'd like to have some money when (if) I go to the sale. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to go or not, I might just take the birds there Friday and leave them. I'd like to get a few pigs, if there are any there.
Well, I'm gonna need to lock up the orps pretty soon. They all want to wander MUCH further than is safe for them to wander. I have one hen (AWOL is her name) who goes nearly up to the road!! the road, btw, is 1/4 mile from the house.

My BO do that too... really drives me
, one got hit the other week... we have almost 3 acres but thats not good enough. When I see then I call for them and they come running back for a treat.

We lost another chickie tonight, the cat got it and I hate that too. So we have 5 BO chickies now and they are a month old.​
Mojo Chick'n :

Mine do that too - drives me nuts when I get their coops all looking nice and ready for winter - then they dig the litter all the way to one side of the coop by scratching it, or they scratch it right out the door (happens on a couple of coops).

I get muddy eggs sometimes too - depends on if they are muddy and poopy whether I just throw them or not. If it is just a little mud I try to wash it off, then use those first.


Mine make an open space in the middle in front of the coop hatch, then all around the edges are indentations in the shavings... Like they are going around trying to see who can make the best floor nest. They're everywhere​
My Pheonix/game has a watery eye, and I think I just made it worse yesterday putting VetRX above and below it trying to sooth it...Cause then she scratched and I think got it in her eye. So this afternoon I went and got terramycin eye ointment at the vet, and some saline solution at Kroger(which is almost impossible to find) to wash the eye out. Had to get the straight saline, minus the antibacterial additive, for contacts... The pharmicist said that should work because it has only saline, nothing else, and the only other eyewash they had was just straight sterilized water(I could do that!). I wanted something to make it quit burning from the VetRX.
Does anyone know if it is it okay to feed the chickens game bird chow? I was wondering because of the higher protien content. And all my laying birds are now way past the stage of using chick starter/grower. I was thinking about switching them over to that to help them get through the winter along with scratch grains, and help keep their egg production up.
Hey Chuck... I don't know but my Scovies eat layer pellets and do very well....

I think I got a GP that thinks she's a goat.... She's been hanging around the goats' food bowls when I feed and eating some of it.... Stupid dog....

Well it finally happened, the pissy neighbor called animal control on my two GPs for "barking". What does the old fart think that guard dogs won't bark when they see other animals?? The folks behind us had lumber cut and now the deer are all coming into everyone's yards and it drives my GPs crazy.... I did end up getting one of those outdoor bark control units and put it up last night... I think it is working since they didn't carry on during the night....

He's such an a--... the male GP got out over the summer when my nephew was here and my son and nephew went after him and wouldn't you know he went into the neighbor's yard and he had the gall to pull a shot gun on the boys... His property isn't fenced and there's no signs that say no trespassing or anything....

DH is going to call animal control today and see what this is all about... the neighbor said he'd shot our dogs if he saw them out.... They're locked in the barnyard all the time.... Now we have to prove they have rabies shots and are licenced.... can you imagine that?? He really thinks our dogs are mean.... they're puppies and big lovey dovey babies.... all they want is love....

okay enough ranting... and STILL NO BABY GOATS!!!!
It should be fine. I've read on here of some getting a 24% breeder feed for their chickens, I don't see why the game bird chow would hurt them. They have a game bird Layena, though the one that the feed store here has is only 19% protein.
Before I forget (again), Day & Day is having their grand opening on their new building on November 7th. I was told that all purina feeds will be buy 1 get 1 free. So if you use purina, you'd best be getting over to Columbia on November 7th!! Can't beat that!

Oh, and guess what? It's supposed to rain on Saturday.....90% chance
Hello Everyone Hope that all of you have had a good last week.It has been a few day's sense I've been on the form,Shelley Sorry we did not make it down sat .I got a new job and I'm working 12 hour shift's 6 day's one week and 2 day's the next.My boy's were mad for not coming down there to chis's birthday. I hope all of you have a good day.

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