King Pigeons for raising squabs

I see you are also in Middle Tn. I have been trying some Utility Kings in the area. Do you have any for sale? (Harold Rives FB)
Wow this interests me. How much do the squab weigh when you take them for food? I am raising pigeons just for fun but it would also interest me alot to add some for meat as then it pays for itself. :) I garden and have chickens. Providing home grown food is a good thing. Right now all my pigeons are just for beauty.
I have considered rabbits for meat but not gotten into it yet.
Any one else out there raise squabs to eat? I have two pair of utility King pigeons that I harvest the squabs at 25-28 days. I dress them out and either prepare them for roasting or grilling, or I will freeze them for future consumption. They are delicious, tender and very nutritious...good protein. The best part is I don't have to do a thing until they are ready. Kings are larger than most pigeons except for Runts and Giant Homers. Any thoughts? I have pics if anyone interested.
I would like to get 2 pairs of Kings. Can you help me find them?

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