Laid egg and can't stand or walk now


8 Years
Feb 27, 2016
Hello to all including all your feathered and furry loved ones! I'm hoping someone can give me hope for our little Lizzy . Lizzy is a serama hen and just turned 1 in May. Her very first round of eggs went just right but the second round was a different story. Everytime she was about to lay an egg she would favor her right leg, limp, or sometimes not able to walk or stand at all. Once she got that egg out she was back to normal. A little over 3 weeks ago she woke up unable to stand or walk once again. She lives in the house with us and we knew this time was gonna be bad. She looked just awful. We made her a nest on the couch next to my husband to let her rest while keeping a close eye on her. A few hours passed by and we started to think maybe she was egg bound. We know soaking them in warm water can help an egg bound hen but we were terrified we would put her in shock. During our debate she started panting and started to try to push. She had no use of her legs A little in the left, so I lightly held her sides so she would not be on her side and my husband slid his hand under her so she could grip her toes on his finger. This has to be the worse thing I have ever saw. This poor little girl labored for just about 45 minutes. We didn't think she was gonna make it but somehow she got that egg out and survived. Needless to say she did not get up and start running around this time. She looked lifeless. We took the bottom of a pet carrier and made her a cozy nest inside for her to rest hoping she would at least become more alert after a little time. A couple of hours of rest and us talking to her she opened her eyes and started to look more lively. I tried offering food and water but the food part was unsuccessful. Since she at least drank water and it was getting late we decided to leave it at that and start trying to get food in her in the morning. The next morning came and although she was much more alert and cheery no luck with food. Since we have had success in the past with baby food I offered her that and my golly did she love it. We also gave her electrolytes and vitamins and eventually she went back to her normal diet. We bought a therapy chair and also rigged up something that she could stand in to get her off her legs after a few days since she lost use of now both legs. I would also hold her up on the floor next to a food bowl and take her around the house to her favorite spots so she wouldn't get depressed. At this moment there is an improvement like she moves her legs and toes very well and tries to stand but she just lands on her booty with her legs straight in front of her. Now she is able to sometimes get her left leg tucked under her like normal and when I hold her up on the floor she walks slowly but needs me to support her completely. Also, for so reason she has lost her voice. When she tries to talk nothing comes out just a slight sound occasionally. This may sound like merek and I know even if vaccinated they can still get it but the repeated pattern of limping and sometimes not being able to walk when needing to lay an egg to the big one makes me think it is not merek. From research it sounds like sciatic nerve problems but I can't find much detailed info about it. Does anyone also think it has to due with sciatic nerve or think it is something else. And if sciatic nerve damage will she recover without surgery or at all. It's been about 4 weeks now and I'm afraid she'll never be able to walk again or even worse need to lay another egg and not live through it. Any ideas on what may be wrong or more ways I may be able to help would be great. She is a very happy and loved little girl and is determined to get up and be the sweet stinker she is! Thank you for reading and I do apologize for this being so long.
I would try vitamin therapy.

Give her 1 Calcium Citrate +D3 tablet once daily (this about 300mg).
I'd also start her on B-Complex that has B2(Riboflavin). Look for B100. Give her 1/4tablet once daily.

Hard to know if she's struggling with another egg, has laid internally or if this is Marek's disease. (Marek's affects the Sciatic Nerve).

It sounds like you are doing what you can for her, do try to encourage her to stay hydrated and eat a normal balanced poultry feed. Treats of egg, fish or meat are good to give as well.
Following. We have almost the exact same situation with a speckled sussex hen. Did the bath thing, massage, extra calcium and eventually she got a very oddly shaped egg out. Also just lands on her butt with legs forward. Weaker everyday.

We have discovered a flock wide problem with worms in the meantime, however, and are wondering if the's got an overload and therefore not able to absorb nutrition properly.
Use the B-complex as it includes B-12. It's the best one for repairing a damaged nerve connection. She should recover from this with the B-complex and a little rest.

Your little hen may need the implant to prevent ovulation. Unless she
grows a bit more, she may be too small to accommodated the size of the eggs she's laying. I would continue the calcium therapy for up to a week.
Following. We have almost the exact same situation with a speckled sussex hen. Did the bath thing, massage, extra calcium and eventually she got a very oddly shaped egg out. Also just lands on her butt with legs forward. Weaker everyday.

We have discovered a flock wide problem with worms in the meantime, however, and are wondering if the's got an overload and therefore not able to absorb nutrition properly.
Do you have a thread? I'm not seeing one.
It may be a good idea to start your own thread, give concise details about the problem(s) you are seeing along with quality, well-lit photos.
The link below has a form of questions that would be good for you to answer, this helps us to get details that we need to be able to offer suggestions.


How to start a thread:

Do you have a thread? I'm not seeing one.
It may be a good idea to start your own thread, give concise details about the problem(s) you are seeing along with quality, well-lit photos.
The link below has a form of questions that would be good for you to answer, this helps us to get details that we need to be able to offer suggestions.


How to start a thread:

View attachment 3877096
Thank you. I've appreciated your recommendations. I've been trying to find time to post about her, but also didn't want to create more congestion if there's already a topic covering this issue. Unfortunately, I've got several situations at present, but this one's high on my list...
Use the B-complex as it includes B-12. It's the best one for repairing a damaged nerve connection. She should recover from this with the B-complex and a little rest.

Your little hen may need the implant to prevent ovulation. Unless she
grows a bit more, she may be too small to accommodated the size of the eggs she's laying. I would continue the calcium therapy for up to a week.
Thank you for the recommendation. She is very little but her eggs are too. We have a few other seramas and her eggs are the same as theirs. As far as the vitamins, I do have her on durvet vitamins. I worry so much about using human vitamins cause I fear overdose especially since she is so small. When everyone says calcium therapy does that mean human vitamin capsules like the b complex?
You cannot overdose the B-complex. Any excess not absorbed will get eliminated in the poop. Cut a B-complex tablet in half and pop it into her beak. It has the amounts needed to help her heal. The chicken vitamins are not a therapeutic dose and won't help her very much.
You cannot overdose the B-complex. Any excess not absorbed will get eliminated in the poop. Cut a B-complex tablet in half and pop it into her beak. It has the amounts needed to help her heal. The chicken vitamins are not a therapeutic dose and won't help her very much.
What about calcium?

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