Large lump over chickens eye for several months now


10 Years
Nov 8, 2014
My black copper marans has had a large lump over her eye for a while now(maybe 6 months or so). It doesn’t seem to bother her and she can still see. She is laying as well. I was concerned with lancing it since it hasn’t changed but I would love some advice.
Thank you


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Has it become larger over the last 6 months? Does it feel hard or soft? It could be an ingrown feather cyst, but being so close to her eye and sinus cavity, I would be a bit nervous messing with it. If it is a feather cyst, there would be thick yellow material inside, along with a feather if you lanced it. If I did try to lance it, I would need someone to hold her wrapped in a towel like a burrito while I did the work. A vet might be safer. Or you could continue to watch it. There probably is some limit to her vision on that side.
Mine has a lump on her ear for the last 2 years. If it doesn't bother her, it's fine. My vet says it's either a benign tumor or a cyst, and that removing it might be worse than leaving it be due to the dangers of stress, surgery and anesthesia.
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Has it become larger over the last 6 months? Does it feel hard or soft? It could be an ingrown feather cyst, but being so close to her eye and sinus cavity, I would be a bit nervous messing with it. If it is a feather cyst, there would be thick yellow material inside, along with a feather if you lanced it. If I did try to lance it, I would need someone to hold her wrapped in a towel like a burrito while I did the work. A vet might be safer. Or you could continue to watch it. There probably is some limit to her vision on that side.
It has not changed size in over 6 months. I haven’t palpated it recently to see if it’s soft or hard. I will do that today. Thanks for the advice. I was worried about lancing it bc it’s so close to her eye and she doesn’t seemed bothered by it
Just looking back at your pictures, I wonder if that is not just an uncommon growth, since the red skin is like that if the comb and wattles. I don’t know what that is called, but I have seen other threads in the past were these growths ended up on unusual parts of the body.

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