Larkwell Valley (2023)

Here's my opinion on drake to hen ratio.
I would aim for no less than 3:1 but the dynamics of your flock are really the deciding factor. I currently have 8:1 in my cayuga flock. The females play hop on top with each other almost more than the drake does. 😆
The call ducks tend to be more prone to pairing up and I can get away with having more drakes. The problem i have with them is it seems like no matter what the ratio they will inevitably single out one female to run to the ground and I end up having to put all the drakes in drake jail for a month or so to kind of hit the reset button. It's quite annoying.
Here's my opinion on drake to hen ratio.
I would aim for no less than 3:1 but the dynamics of your flock are really the deciding factor. I currently have 8:1 in my cayuga flock. The females play hop on top with each other almost more than the drake does. 😆
The call ducks tend to be more prone to pairing up and I can get away with having more drakes. The problem i have with them is it seems like no matter what the ratio they will inevitably single out one female to run to the ground and I end up having to put all the drakes in drake jail for a month or so to kind of hit the reset button. It's quite annoying.
Okay, so I should definitely have somewhere I can put drakes for a time out.
I'm relieved to hear that a 2:1 for calls isn't going to certainly end in disaster. I'd still prefer more like a 4:1, but unless my two I just ordered are both hens, that isn’t going to happen this year.

Taking photos of the male's today so I can post an ad. I decided to go a different direction with the runners, so I have some new male's coming my way.

On the list to sell are
1 magpie pair
1 black runner drake
2 fawn and white runner hens
2 pastel call drakes (I'm going to try and sell them as a pair since I doubt anyone here has calls and I'd be nervous about them being all alone as such a small duck in a flock)
1 blue Swedish hen

I'll have more as birds grow, but for now I know these ones aren't staying.
I'm relieved to hear that a 2:1 for calls isn't going to certainly end in disaster. I'd still prefer more like a 4:1, but unless my two I just ordered are both hens, that isn’t going to happen this year.

Taking photos of the male's today so I can post an ad. I decided to go a different direction with the runners, so I have some new male's coming my way.

On the list to sell are
1 magpie pair
1 black runner drake
2 fawn and white runner hens
2 pastel call drakes (I'm going to try and sell them as a pair since I doubt anyone here has calls and I'd be nervous about them being all alone as such a small duck in a flock)
1 blue Swedish hen

I'll have more as birds grow, but for now I know these ones aren't staying.
My first calls were a pair and they did fine for all the years it was just the two of them. It just really depends on your drake. I had one i offed this spring because despite having plenty females he was just too rough. Ran one girl nearly to death every year.

No matter what your ratio it's best to have a plan for drake jail certain times of the year if nessessary.

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