Late Hatch? (Serama)


In the Brooder
Feb 1, 2024
I have had a serama egg in the incubator for 22 days and no internal pip or external pip… the egg is moving and has been for several days. Is it normal for serama eggs to be late? I’ve been trying to be patient, but i’m concerned now.
I have had a serama egg in the incubator for 22 days and no internal pip or external pip… the egg is moving and has been for several days. Is it normal for serama eggs to be late? I’ve been trying to be patient, but i’m concerned now.
:welcome What is your incubator temp and do you have a calibrated thermometer to check your temp sounds like it is low on temp if your egg is still viable/alive. Have you candled the egg to know it is really alive. If so, just be hopeful and patient.
Just candled the egg, definitely some movement… Humidity is low from opening the incubator.


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:welcome What is your incubator temp and do you have a calibrated thermometer to check your temp sounds like it is low on temp if your egg is still viable/alive. Have you candled the egg to know it is really alive. If so, just be hopeful and patient.
Most definitely saw some movement. Gives me a bit of hope, but should’ve hatched yesterday. Today no internal pip, nor external. the air cell has expanded a bit since yesterday.
Ya it can be hard to see movement in an egg that far along, sounds like it's still viable. Doesn't look internally pipped yet from pic. Temps must be running a little low just be patient and hopefully you will see a pip sooner than later.
It sounds like a low temperature issue which would delay the hatch a little. Having thermometer/hygrometers on the incubator floor can give egg-level readings. I trust those readings, especially when incubating Serama eggs. And, those readings don’t always match the incubator readings. If there’s a lot of movement, that’s a good sign. Keep the temp and humidity steady now. And keep eyes on the egg, because Seramas can also have hatch difficulties due an inherited lethal gene from their Japanese bantam counterparts… which can prevent their shorter legs from helping them position for hatching. I have some micro-class Seramas that were late, and assisted hatches. Watch for that internal pip. Please keep us updated!

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