Leghorns? White? Non-White? Brown?

I have 3 danish brown leghorns and one black australorp. I got 3-4 eggs most days all winter, though eggs have slacked off a bit in the last couple of weeks. The BA lays 6 a week, still. I haven't weighed them but would say the leghorn eggs are usually large and the BA egg is XL.

The BA is much calmer and friendlier, too.
What is the difference between Denish Brown leghorns and Brown leghorns?
Isa Brown ar good layers out of 25 birds I got about 2 dozen eggs a day.
But they don't breed true.
I will look into Black Australorps and Sex Links. I had a Black Sex Link before, and loved her. I may look into them. This also cuts out the chance of roosters in the batch. The Australorps are pretty though...
I don't think you can go wrong with ANY of the Leghorns. From what I have seen, they are all good layers. Plus (and I know most people will argue this) mine have all been some of the sweetest, friendliest chickens around!!!
As for the brown....I have always called mine a Light Brown but she has the rosy colored breast....not sure if the Danish is the same? But anyway, they are too cute as babies and even more beautiful as adults!! Ummmm......can you tell I like Leghorns??? LOL
Forget the BA and the sex-links. You said you wanted egg layers and the leghorn are by far the better egg layer for the least amount of feed. Every now and then a Austolorp or a Sex-link will lay a lot, but for the best variety the leghorn lays the most and will continue to lay for a long time, with much less food intake. You said you wanted eggs. He did your homework and chose the leghorn. Instead of trying to talk you out of it, I say go for it. I think you will be happy.
I've been considering a lot of breeds, and still love the leghorns. I love how the combs flop. I was looking at the different kind. I may get like 5 leghorns and 2 other breeds. I don't know though. IT'S SO HARD TO CHOOSE!
You mention liking how the leghorn combs flop....that is one of my favorite things about them.
Just had to show off my Willow since I think she is a stunning beauty, and to me, her comb looks like a little granny bonnet.
Since you can get so many colors of Leghorns, too, I think they are an awfully good choice.
Good luck whatever you choose. No matter what, I am sure you will enjoy them.
I saw her when she won in the online leghorn contest. She is gorgeous. I am thinking I'm going with leghorns. Not sure which hatchery or which color. I may just go with average joe white.

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