Lethargic hen with tight hard lower abdomen dirty vent


10 Years
Jun 19, 2014
Central Coast, California
I have two chickens that have a tight lower abdomen, dirty vent, and puffed up and lethargic. They have also lost weight. I have had hens with water belly before and drained them and it is not that. It is not an egg bound situation either. I had previously done epsom salt soak for egg bound and definitely not that. I also had one hen a few months ago pass away with same thing. I am afraid I am going to lose these two. I do not really understand vent gleat and I thought if this is that a while back I put the cream for yeast infections around the vent area and did not help but like I said I do not really understand or know about that but thought I would try it. Please if you have any suggestions I would appreciate help. I love my animals and try to do everything I can to help them. Thank you!
How old are they? Do they still lay eggs? Are there any missing feather or raw skin under the vents? Can you get any pictures of them and their droppings? It could be water belly (ascites) or internal laying/salpingitis, or even cancer. How do their crops feel first thing in the morning before they eat or drink? Crops should be empty then, and fill up gradually during the day as they eat.
Thank you for responding. I am not sure on their age as I took them in from someone and sometimes they lie thinking you only want them for eggs even tho I say it is not important I just did not want them killed. I am guessing 4. I do not believe that I get eggs from them. I have never seen them at the boxes or acting that way but I have quite a few chickens so hard to say for sure. Their crop has been empty in the morning. there are not missing feathers around vent but I have cut them as it was very wet almost diarhea and messy so I trimmed it off. I have had a water belly hen before and it does not feel like that at all. I used to drain her so I handled her alot and remember how she felt. I do recall finding an egg without a shell last month. It sounds like it could be Salpingitis. Both hens came from same person last year and I assume around same age. Should I try giving antibiotics or is it too late or do they even really help with that.
Thank you for your help.
Trimming the excess fluff may help, and you can clean up the vent with soap and water. Are the normally white urates in the dropping looking more yellow than white? Cottage cheese, about 1 tablespoon daily might firm up the droppings, and some use probiotics or plain yogurt with live cultures. What antibiotic do you have? Antibiotics such as amoxicillin can be used for salpingitis, but it may or may not help.
Trimming the excess fluff may help, and you can clean up the vent with soap and water. Are the normally white urates in the dropping looking more yellow than white? Cottage cheese, about 1 tablespoon daily might firm up the droppings, and some use probiotics or plain yogurt with live cultures. What antibiotic do you have? Antibiotics such as amoxicillin can be used for salpingitis, but it may or may not help.
Here is a pic of one’s vent area before cleaning it. The other hens vent is trimmed up more. You can see the color is more greenish.
I have amoxicillin, penicillin, Tylan, duravet, and maybe something else. I have probiotics I give too. I will get some cottage cheese and try that on them. I can try the antibiotics as I have nothing to lose at this point. I also feed them scrambled eggs. I will try antibiotics in the morning, which do you think would be best? Also their breastbone is very prominent now so they are losing weight but still feel heavy because of their stomach. Poor girls:(
Thank you.


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