Let's talk Golden Cuckoo Marans!

Thanks Flgardengirl. I flipped back through some photos and he has lightened up some as I changed their feed mixture to have less corn at the first of the year. However, I probably counteracted it as I have been added turmeric and other spices to the feed for overall health and egg color! I guess I need to take the turmeric out for a while and see if his brassiness clears up. Also good to know about the discoloration differences between gold based and silver based.
I don't know for certain if the turmeric has any effect on coloring of feathers. I don't know if the corn contributes to the yellowish feather color because it is simply yellow or because too much corn adds fat and they are not getting enough other nutrients. I have a feeling it might be due to they are not getting enought other nutrients like protein and vitamins.
You could ask geebs if she has seen any difference in the turmeric causing yellowing in feathers. I know she uses it in her birds and likes it overall.
I have been thinking about adding it to my birds diet due to all the health benefits I keep hearing about but haven't had time to really research it yet.
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Thanks Flgardengirl. I flipped back through some photos and he has lightened up some as I changed their feed mixture to have less corn at the first of the year. However, I probably counteracted it as I have been added turmeric and other spices to the feed for overall health and egg color! I guess I need to take the turmeric out for a while and see if his brassiness clears up. Also good to know about the discoloration differences between gold based and silver based.

It may only be important to control additives and corn content while the new feathers are growing in after a molt to make a decent impact. Once feathers are constructed, the color will not change due to diet content. Perhaps a diet higher in fish meal and no supplemental turmeric while he's growing his feathers?
I know this is an old thread, but I recently got golden cuckoos and I love them!
I would love to get this thread hopping again!

Any thoughts on my boy? I suspect he may be single barred. I haven't hatched any chicks from him yet, so I don't know for sure.
So glad I found this! Can anyone tell me if this is a pullet or roo? I know Roos are typically lighter but this one acts like a hen! Also it's tail feathers lead me to believe hen. It's about 12 weeks.

So glad I found this! Can anyone tell me if this is a pullet or roo? I know Roos are typically lighter but this one acts like a hen! Also it's tail feathers lead me to believe hen. It's about 12 weeks.
I would've guessed roo by the comb. usually my girls don't have much of a comb at that age.
I am so bummed. It was one of my favorites and something attacked it today! :( we are still wondering what would have gotten to it in the middle of the day too! It was the only golden cuckoo I had. :/ thanks for the response though. What struck me as odd was that it had tail feathers whereas none of my other Marans cockerels really have any yet. It was also very gentle and even let a bantam burrow under it for warmth this morning.
He's just brassy and like many Cuckoos has too many white feathers in his tail.....you should read the White and Cuckoo Marans thread I've posted picts of my Goldens too. Many people just cross and don't cull for color faults then sell eggs many of us have looked at the pictures of what people have hatched I too would be disappointed.....I'm working on size, egg color and feathered shanks many Cuckoos need help with egg color.

How much white is to white on the French golden roosters? I have an old beautiful rooster who has only one white tail feather on either side of his tail and they have black tips also. He's also has very golden neck feathers and at the base of the tail. As a base color he is completely black and white striped. He was given too me and I'm about 90% sure he's a French golden. I recently purchased some French golden eggs and they are almost 3 weeks out of the egg. 3 roos, 6 pullets. Fingers crossed that I can start a nice line of French cuckoos haha. The breeder the eggs came from raises amazing show quality French goldens.
happy to find this thread! I had a couple BCM and lost my roo last fall. I collected every Marans egg I could for about a week and hatched them, hoping to replace my roo. The birds hatched and grew, but I thought they must have been mixes of another breed. initially I was disappointed but they are BEAUTIFUL and now I think they are golden cuckoos as well as other variations! :). I will try to post pics. I was completely unawade my BCMs could produce these!
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Just thought I would join in this thread. Here is my young GCM. I am in the process of hatching some GCM eggs for a friend of mine. She wants to start breeding them. Lock down for them will be Wed. We live in Ga and she had the eggs shipped from CA. They had detached air sacs so not sure how many we will get.

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