LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I don't have ducks.

My chickens are mostly quiet. I have one noisy girl, Stormy. I have another one who says, "Ohhhhh!" in a rising and falling inflection when I bring treats. One who chatters a bit, unless she's broody, then it's, "Bup-bup-bup-bup" (and gets her put in broody jai).

Every now and then, I'll hear a "Bip!" noise from one of them. Very cute.
I don't have ducks.

My chickens are mostly quiet. I have one noisy girl, Stormy. I have another one who says, "Ohhhhh!" in a rising and falling inflection when I bring treats. One who chatters a bit, unless she's broody, then it's, "Bup-bup-bup-bup" (and gets her put in broody jai).

Every now and then, I'll hear a "Bip!" noise from one of them. Very cute.

If you'd like more screamers, I've got a bunch:p.

Or, just get Mediterranean breeds :D
We're supposed to get up to around 98 F today and I'm not happy about it.
I moved the kiddie pool out of the duck yard as I'll be allowing all the birds to free range today.
I went out and bought a few more of those rubber feed pan things for extra water.
So now they have a 3 gallon water, a 5 gallon water, the kiddie pool, and varying sized rubber pans.
I’m thinking about putting an aro/ace character in the book I’m writing. It won’t be a major thing about her, just come up in a conversation EXTREMELY subtly (well, enough that my mom can’t tell, but she probably won’t be able to)
I went the opposite way with my character. He made it very clear rather early on in the book that he's Ace
I went the opposite way with my character. He made it very clear rather early on in the book that he's Ace
I just don’t want to say it in so many words, but there’ll probably be a conversation about who the characters dated when they were young, and Paisley (name of the aro/ace character) will say she doesn’t really like anybody, never did. That’s why she’s never planning on marrying.
So remember that hatch a while back where my 2 Serama hens hatched out 6 chicks but only 1 survived?
Well I think I figured out who the actual mother is. We only have 1 Serama hen with a tuft of feathers on her head and the chick is starting to get a tuft as well.
I've been trying to get some photos of it but since it was raised by the flock, it's feral
One chestnut mare I looked after was a 17hh tb cross id, she was fairly sweet, but thought herself a racehorse in the arena 🤣 ....and she was in her twenties...
She was pretty easy going aside from her super speed... she was relatively lovely to tack up, brush, etc. She was only a lil crazy. Just a lil bit.

I've met some very dopey and goofy chestnut geldings, not sure if that's a stereotype yet but it ought to be in my book!
One was an ottb who was an utter joy. I'd fairly often muck out his stall, and when I'd go to do something he'd rest his head on my arm and just ask for fuss. Super gentle. He loved to unzip my coat (in the middle of winter!) And lick my hands. I really loved that sweet boy. At worst he pinned his ears when I undid and adjusted his rug as I saw it was twisted. But I'm guessing that's someone's fault, they probably hurt him at some point doing his girth too tight or something like that, and he's now anxious being touched in that area. Not an expert, just the vibe I got is all.
Goofy geldings is definitely a stereotype! They do love licking hands and playing with zippers. Silly guys!
Yeah, pain memory is, well, a pain. Horses with a history of ulcers in particular tend to be girthy, because it used to hurt and they’re still expecting it to.

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