- Feb 22, 2023
- 158
- 276
- 141
I just purchased from https://www.chickensforbackyards.com/. I was really pleased, more so than any other I have purchased from. It was still cold out Feb. 25th so I was concerned how they would keep warm. They guarantee live delivery. I only got 3 as I lost my rooster and wanted a wyandotte roo, so I ordered black laced reds and one silver laced. They marked my male with some orange color on his head and neck, and sent them well packed with a heat pad and some green food gooey stuff to eat. They sent an extra chick as well. They are the most healthy lively chicks I have ever gotten. The male was just beautiful as a chick, very different looking. In 3 weeks they are flying up on things when I let them out to sit with them and so so active. They last group I had from a local farm store was nothing like this. This hatchery is in Minn. They shipped as expected and arrived at post office as expected. I was very very pleased, so passing this along to others.This list is in no particular order...just put it together while searching....add to the list or make any comments you'd like about the various hatcheries.
Hatchery State Website
Mt. Healthy Ohio www.mthealthy.com
Cackle Missouri www.cacklehatchery.com
Murray McMurray Iowa www.mcmurrayhatchery.com
My Pet Chicken Connecticut www.mypetchicken.com
Welp Iowa www.welphatchery.com
Healthy Chicks & More Ohio www.healthychicksandmore.com
Ideal Texas www.ideal-poultry.com
DarkEggs California www.darkeggs.com
Meyer Ohio www.meyerhatchery.com
Bergs MB, Canada www.bergshatchery.com
Larrys Colorado www.larryspoultry.com
Belt California www.belthatchery.com
Fords California www.fordspoultryhatchery.com
Hoovers Iowa www.hoovershatchery.com
Estes Missouri www.esteshatchery.com
Privett New Mexico www.privetthatchery.com
Ridgeway Ohio www.ridgwayhatchery.com
Strombergs Minnesota www.strombergschickens.com
Hoffman Pennsylvania www.hoffmanhatchery.com
Decorah Iowa www.decorahhatchery.com
Lazy 54 Farm Oregon lazy54farm.com (really, no "www")
Schlect Iowa www.schlechthatchery.com
Valentine Florida www.vhatchery.com
Heartland Missouri www.heartlandhatchery.com
Triple D Alaska www.alaskatripled.com
It was nice and neat before I c&p'd the list from MS Word....sorry it's jumbled a bit.