Lockdown, humidity won't rise


Mar 25, 2024
Veneto, Italy
Hello, I've started lockdown today. I always kept humidity at 30% by filling 1 tray out of 4 with water. This morning I filled 2/4 and got the humidity up at 45%. After a few hours, after humidity stabilized, I filled 3/4 hoping to get 55% humidity... But instead it dropped back to 30% and never went up. I don't know how this could be even possible according to the universe's law of physics. Now I'm afraid if I fill the last tray I might bump up the humidity too much.
What should I do? I have 2 hygrometers inside the incubator and they both agree. It's also my first hatch so I'm really confused and afraid to mess up!
One egg is pipped. Incubator full of water, humidity still 30%.
I have 3 options:
1 - do nothing and let the chicks hatch at low humidity.
2 - spray warm water around the incubator sides and top.
3 - the bottom of the incubator is cold so water does not evaporate: add a heating pad under the incubator to trigger evaporation.
What do you think is the best option?
I had to put almost half gallon of water and a sponge to get the humidity at 60%. One hatched early (day 19) the others are all externally pipped.

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