Lost 9 out of 24 chicks in one night at the enclosed coop!


10 Years
Jan 14, 2014
Thank you so much for having me back to the forum. I used to have a free run chickens in the past, and gradually lost them all by time. I just have built a large chicken coop and bought 24 chicks last Sunday. They have been fine until this morning, I found out that I have lost 9 chicks and tried to find the evidence and did not see anything. Please advise the possible predator, and how to keep the chicks safe. Your advices are appreciated.
How old were the chicks? 1-2 weeks old (if you bought at a farm store that is my guess). They might be able to get through the fencing material when that small. We have chain link and needed to put some other smaller fencing to cover the larger chain links.

Can any cats get inside? Cats will not go after full grown chickens, but will sometimes go after chicks.

If’s the area covered or open? Do you have a barrier to flying predators? This could be a full roof and/or netting to exclude flying predators.

We’re they missing after you let them out for the day? Or did you just notice them missing today, so they could have been taken anytime in the last 24+ hours?

Rats-they will kill chicks, and then drag them to their holes, so no evidence.
Any post clear detailed pictures of your coop please?

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