Loud jets from airshow


Sep 30, 2024
Our city has an airshow each year and this will be my chickens 1st time experiencing this. We are right under the flight path, and these big jets fly low and loud. Has anyone here had experience with this? Any suggestions to help my girls deal with the loud noises? They have a coop (ventilated garden shed) that’s connected to the run and they can retreat into their coop at any time. They deal well with the gardeners and other various loud noises, but this is a whole new level of loud, unfortunately. Any insight to help my girls through this weekend is greatly appreciated!
I have an annual airshow where the Blue Angels fly over our house for 4 days in a row. The girls get used to it fast. They perk up but otherwise undisturbed. Yours should be OK. If you're concerned put them in their coop/run so they don't jump the fence or anything.
We care more about the noise than they will. My land on one side is next to government land used for army training. There are helicopters and aircraft flying low overhead frequently. On the other side of my land is thousands of acres of farm land and every year they use crop dusters (small planes or helicopters) to spray the fields. The chickens don’t even bother to look up when they fly over.
I live very close to a place with a lot of big and loud airplanes. If any fly low over us the cockerel growls and I get a couple light scared noises for a couple seconds from the hens but that is about it.
They'll be fine. I'm amazed at how unfazed our chickens are by sounds I assume would spook or bother them: car alarms, fireworks, dump trucks, police/fire sirens, idiots driving super loud cars and motorcycles, etc.

I swear some of their egg songs are louder than all of that. :lol:
Our city has an airshow each year and this will be my chickens 1st time experiencing this. We are right under the flight path, and these big jets fly low and loud. Has anyone here had experience with this? Any suggestions to help my girls deal with the loud noises? They have a coop (ventilated garden shed) that’s connected to the run and they can retreat into their coop at any time. They deal well with the gardeners and other various loud noises, but this is a whole new level of loud, unfortunately. Any insight to help my girls through this weekend is greatly appreciated!
Thank you all so much from this first time, overprotective chicken Mom! I appreciate all your responses, and I am feeling much better 😊

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