"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

My girls are losing feathers. Where they are losing them they look like plucked chickens, totally bald except for those little feather "socket" skin bumps. They were a year old last April and have never molted. Is this what molting looks like??

What area of the body is that? Mine don't look like that when they are molting.
No they are Boles Asil, I have thought about getting some O-Shamo but I got enough with everything else I got. I hatch to many of these Asils as it is. I need to sell some lol.
I've never seen Asils out of poultry books before! I heard they grow very tall? Or is that the shamos I'm thinking of? Either way I think they are very striking.
Does the chest have a very soft/mushy feeling? Does it feel like a soft pillow? If so they have crop issues and loss of hair on the chest is an indication of crop issues (impacted crop). I was waiting to see what you were going to say because it looked like it was the chest area. Feel the chest and let me know. Smell their breath and let me know if it smells sours? If so, they have a sour crop - impacted crop. Food is not digesting like it should and we need to get that taken care of ASAP because they can die from it.
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