Lucky Friday the 13th hatch-a-long, hatching Lavender Orpington eggs Jan. 2...

The blonde chick is Heart, the Grey one is Wishbone.
That’s a good point. I’m letting my Serama hatch eggs for the first time, and one of the eggs she’s setting on has a depression in it. I’m keeping an eye on that egg because it is developing, but I hope it doesn’t crack open… Hopefully I get your luck! ;)
Read the above message.
I would take away any eggs with a dent, she will open it up herself, and then wreck or eat the other eggs. If you nailpolish the egg, and incubate, it may still hatch.
Good to know. I don’t have an incubator, so that’s why I’ve been trying to give the egg every chance I can with the hen. Do you think there’s any way that I can “repair” the egg without worrying my hen about it? Perhaps a Band-Aid to prevent a scent?

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