Lump on the upper leg of hen


Amateur chook psychiatrist
10 Years
May 14, 2014
Sydney, Australia
I have a barnverdel hen, 2 years of age, is otherwise healthy and still occasionally laying eggs (she wasn't a proliferate egg layer to start with):


Yesterday, I have found a lump on the upper side of her leg:


There seems to be a wound on the upper side of it and skin underneath and around seems to be a bit bare - as in no feathers.

Does anyone here know what is it? The lump feels hard, but not solid hard.
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Hard to tell exactly without a tissue sample and pathology, but it might be just a dermoid or epidermis cyst or fatty tumor. Feather cysts which are from ingrown feathers, can be common in feathered areas, and those may become abscessed.
Since she is eating normal and without any sign of illness, I didn't take her to a vet. I have applied some anti-septic cream on the lump and around area. If anyone knows any good at home remedy, please let me know.

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