Mahonri's 2nd Annual BYC EASTER HATCH. Post pics of your chicks!

I did notice this morning as I was hunting around for the link to look at the submissions for the stinkeye contest, that it's actually a WEEK 3 competition. But I feel like I did when I was a kid waiting for Christmas! I think this is the only time in my adult life that the calendar is moving so slowly!!!!
(Can you tell that this is my first hatch???)

I am hatching goose and duck eggs for this one: so my wait is a total of 30+ days!!!​
Yup. This place is nuts!

Yeah but with Linda off for the next few days, I suspect it will be quieter.
Checking in with a broody hatch... banty hatched these 3 girls yesterday and last night (today was day 21). She was originally on 4 eggs, so 75% isn't too bad! I got rid of the 4th egg after candling on day 10.

This is a picture from last night, only 2 were out. The EE that hatched late is supercute, I'm going to try to get a picture after moving them to the protected box in the coop. And all of them are fully feathered... weird.

Thats amazing!!!! Congrats on the new chicks. This may sound stupid, but I was reading your listings on Etsy and it doesnt say if you make your own soap or not. Do you use goat milk?

Yes they are all handmade. Some use goat milk and some not. It should say if there is goat milk on the individual items. Sometimes I use goat milk or coconut milk or BEER! lol or other things.
Looks like he (?) should be a model for a carousel horse!!

Chocolate soap
I think I'll get some of that for my husband (and that's all I saying about that!)

Great pics everybody!!

Awesome shot! here's mine

Or maybe this one

It looks like the horse is being abducted by aliens. Look at the sun rays as tractor beams... lol... maybe I watch too much star trek

edited for spelling
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I have not, but I bought some eggs from a gal that does. She is on here, but don't know who often. She hacthes all of her chickens and turkeys under broody hens. believe that she said the turkeys will brood, but often broke them getting on an off nests. kinda clumsy I guess.

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