Mahonri's 2nd Annual BYC EASTER HATCH. Post pics of your chicks!

Some breeds take shipping a lot better than others, but yes, I would want to know that information as a breeder. Just put it as a "hey, I thought you would like to know" type of message....


If they are different breeds they would have a different rooster... fertility could very well be the issue with the one breed.. In fact, I would suspect that is the case since the other breed shipped together is developing well. If it was me, I'd want to know... definitely in "thought you'd like to know" format
Some breeds take shipping a lot better than others, but yes, I would want to know that information as a breeder. Just put it as a "hey, I thought you would like to know" type of message....

I would want to know also. I incubated all my breeds before offering eggs for sale. Yes, it means not being able to sell for 3 weeks but its good practice. I wouldn't sell the eggs if I didn't have good fertility. Do you know if this seller tested the fertility?

Find out what the sellers' hatch rates are. If they were good it could be like the previous poster said, maybe some don't take shipping well. If that's the case then there's not much you can do about that. Shipped eggs are always a gamble because of the post office.
At the end of each workday a few of the other managers used to stop by my office and we'd all kvetch about how much we hated our jobs. I used to refer to it as "managers anonymous" ...

I took 4 hours of leave today for mental health reasons. Figured I'd get the laundry and vacuuming done, do some chicken chores, etc... but here I am on BYC.

My boss is bipolar. To say the least.

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