Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Here's one of my babies, named Trinket. She (he?) fell asleep 2 nanoseconds after the picture, so I'm going to say this was a sleepy look, not the bebeh stink-eye. :)

Mine are finished hatching.

I ended up with 4 Isbars out of 7 shipped eggs, 17 Swedish Flower Hens out of 20 non-shipped eggs and 12 EEs (Swedish Flower x Ameraucana) out of 15 non-shipped eggs.
What awesome breeds! I bet the Flower x Ameraucanas are adorable.
We're gonna have to have pictures.
What awesome breeds! I bet the Flower x Ameraucanas are adorable.
We're gonna have to have pictures.

Yes, the SFH x Ameraucanas are really adorable. I have some that are 3+ weeks old and a couple have crests plus beards and muffs - which is what I was hoping for. Hopefully, they will be funky colors, too! These are some of the older ones when they were tiny. The green color is marker for ID.

Bbacres, I love that second picture especially

X 2

I'm especially fond of Flag Day, since it was my father's birthday. I still miss him terribly, and he passed away 2 decades ago...

Here's one of my babies, named Trinket. She (he?) fell asleep 2 nanoseconds after the picture, so I'm going to say this was a sleepy look, not the bebeh stink-eye. :)

What a little doll!
Pardon me while I have an attack of fuzzybutt jealousy.
Okay, I'm better, now...
Thing is, many of these had PUDDLES of albumin in the shell. They are small chicks, too. Experiment totally went wonky, and I know that just because you CAN hatch 3 week old eggs, doesn't mean it's a good idea. It's also quite a horrible ratio of success.

I never added water until yesterday when I had pips, so it wasn't that...just old proteins, I would guess.

I'm sticking to optimal conditions. I'm making more quiche.

Yummy! WHen I had a turkey hen die and only 1 incubator I saved all her eggs until I could set them . Only the freshest pipped and zipped. I now stick with the 10day rule.

I just thought I'd share this with you guys. I was taking Easter pics of my DDs with our two newest ducklings (Ming Ming and Ducklie) and a few 3-4 week old chicks we have. While e-mailing one of the pic to family I noticed something in the background. Ducklie (my autistic daughter's duckling) hopped into her basket and was getting comfy.

Sooo cute! The duckling , too!

Oh my its sooooo precious. Its so tiny. Since there were no pips or anything I took out the other two LF chicks who were dry and fluffed by that point. The serama is just soooo tiny compared to them. I see nothing from the other serama eggs, so my question is, can it brood with the LF chicks or will they kill this one. And if so...what do I do? I know that people say they are hard to brood. Any advice? Thanks.

I once asked this of a master breeder who talked to another breeder, of Ameraucanas, it's definitely an EE thing. He suggested culling all as it is catagorized as a lethal. I have one girl now who is far smaller than pullets younger than her. She will get special treatment and is a good mommy to any chick .

Refraining from a final count until I see if this last hatcher survives. It hatched late, and then collapsed. It is still wet in the incubator, and I can see that it is breathing, but the chick is quiet and otherwise not moving around much. I did find it in a different place tonight when I checked on it. I am mentally prepared for it to be dead in the morning, but was encouraged to read about someone who had a chick hatch and not move for a full 12 hours, and then recover.
If it makes it, I will have Basque #6!
Wait and see, can go either way.

Wow, came down with a bad case of the flu that knocked me out and had 300 posts to catch up on. I know I have 15 chick. 4 of them are the purple from wolftracks, the rest I will need to figure out. At 2 today I saw one chick under my broody. Got home at 6:30 to loud chirping in the middle of the coop. She's now inside under a lamp.

I do have a question. I figured my hatch was done with no new pips in 24 hours and thought I would check. The silver Phoenix had movement when candled but had not internally pipped. That was over 12 hours ago still mo pop or peeping. Any thoughts?

Glad you are feeling better!!!!! Wait and see . . . .

32 out of 36 set hatched.

Will get pictures up asap if my computer will co-operate, plus hatch comments. Computer is being a pain ... to put it mildly. I haven't been able to read anything since yesterday morn and am disappointed, but can catch up with over 1000 posts later, right?
Surprised I've even gotten this far. Fingers crossed that this will post!
Well I pulled 32 eggs from the bator. I left 10, not because they looked good, but because the temp was dropping and I needed to stop candling. There is no reason for me to think that the 10 left will hatch, so I guess I'm done. I will leave those at least another day, maybe two. Some of the ones I pulled had a very black spot on one side of the egg about the size of a pea. Is that bacteria? It seemed to be just under the shell, and away from where the developement was.

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