Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Good morning all! (Good night Kathy
SCG sorry about your hen. At least it was fairly quick. I had a pullet last year that just wasted away over a few days. She wasn't hurt, she didn't have anything contagious just sat there puffed up (I kept her separated from the flock so that they wouldn't pick on her) and eventually passed away. I don't know what was wrong with her.

Sitting here trying to get motivated. Tomorrow is supposed to be super windy here so I have got to be motivated today. Feel like I have a hangover and I haven't had anything to drink in months probably. I am hoping it is just my body trying to catch up from the lack of sleep and not me coming down with anything. One more week and DH will be home

Alright have to go take a shower, maybe that will wake me up a bit and get me going.
All this talk about coffee...mmmm. Coffee is my favorite thing in life to consume. I like it black most of the time but occasionally I'll drink a flavored latte or something...but I hate coffee with cream and sugar. And green tea..mmmm drink a cup of green tea every day before bed. I dated this Mormon guy once...we were very serious. He wanted me to convert and I wouldn't give up caffiene. Needless to say it didn't work out but we're still great friends he has a wonderful wife who shares his values. Its funny how at the time you think the world is going to end and you'll be heart broken forever, and now...I have the worlds most wonderful husband and perfect family. And on top of it I get to enjoy coffee every day. In fact my husband surprises me with special coffee beans and coffee mugs occasionally for no reason. I know its love!!!!

So something attacked my newly discovered roo. He's limping and his feathers are all scruffy and look like maybe a few spots of blood. But its spread out little random spots. Almost like maybe a huge hawk tried to grab him. Or shot him with him with a few random bbs. But he will not let me check him out. He seems totally fine though. a little sore and super nervous but fine. He didn't crow this morning though. I was planning on trying to see if I can get him processed but someone but now I dont' want to unless he is for ok.
My DH and I look forward all week to sitting and enjoying a good cup or several on the weekend before we start the day. We like a good whole bean fresh ground. We got a Keurig a couple years ago and use the screen inserts instead of the plastic cups. We love it!

Gratuitous chick pic:
Deb, was your submit button stuck or is my computer being wonky?
When my internet goes down, it goes down in flames! I have their tech on quick dial. We have so many problems (they claim too many hills & trees in the area), I don't even have to give my name, just "Hi Chris, it's me again". Grrrr!

I'm sorry, Deb, I didn't quite catch what you posted, can you repeat it?
Just kidding you, girl, seriously, how DID that happen?
I'm not quite sure what the laptop did after I forced the power button off and slammed the lid closed. Everything was just locked and................

OK! Ok! We got it, already!! LOL!!

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm really just an attention..............ummmmmm....................I don't think the filter will let me post that about lady of the evening?

All this talk about coffee...mmmm. Coffee is my favorite thing in life to consume. I like it black most of the time but occasionally I'll drink a flavored latte or something...but I hate coffee with cream and sugar. And green tea..mmmm drink a cup of green tea every day before bed. I dated this Mormon guy once...we were very serious. He wanted me to convert and I wouldn't give up caffiene. Needless to say it didn't work out but we're still great friends he has a wonderful wife who shares his values. Its funny how at the time you think the world is going to end and you'll be heart broken forever, and now...I have the worlds most wonderful husband and perfect family. And on top of it I get to enjoy coffee every day. In fact my husband surprises me with special coffee beans and coffee mugs occasionally for no reason. I know its love!!!!

So something attacked my newly discovered roo. He's limping and his feathers are all scruffy and look like maybe a few spots of blood. But its spread out little random spots. Almost like maybe a huge hawk tried to grab him. Or shot him with him with a few random bbs. But he will not let me check him out. He seems totally fine though. a little sore and super nervous but fine. He didn't crow this morning though. I was planning on trying to see if I can get him processed but someone but now I dont' want to unless he is for ok.

That sounds like the makings of a perfect life!

That roo was probably protecting the flock, are you sure you want to process him? My current alpha roo (he wasn't the alpha then) survived a masacre by a raiding dog. When I got out to the scene of the crime, there were bodies everywhere. Darty was laying on the ground, splayed legs and wings, missing feathers from most of his body and barely breathing. The (then) alpha roo was fround hiding near the back door of the house, nearly 100 yards away, and without a scratch on him.
I picked him up and carried him to the garage, put him in a dog crate with a heating pad and towels. I doctored on him for a week and he recovered fully. I think that experience made him more determined to do the roosters job and he is now a WONDERFUL alpha, ever vigilent, attentive to the hens, never bothers people, a gentle breeder, and firm but not cruel with the lower roos. I can't help but think his awsomeness is in part due to having been a survivor.

Of course, as fast as they heal, you could nurse your roo back to health and then eat him.

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