Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

OHHHH MY!!! They are so ADORABLE!!!!! I want goats so badly!

Wow, now I know what people mean when they have 200+ post to catch up on. It was worth it though. One of our Nigerian Dwarf does had FIVE kids today!

For an idea of their size, (my wife is 5'2" (really 5"1', but ....)

And of course there was an audience in the cheap seats, but with a birds eye view

Good morning folks!
I think this hatch is done...strangest hatch ever. Usually if the chicks aren't out by day 22, they aint comin---but I have chicks popping (unhealthily) on day 25+. I even had one unzip on day 21, then croak without popping the shell off.
Methinks I am going to have to check my bators.
I would REALLY love to send pictures of these chicks...but my camera is still missing. Has anyone found it yet?

Check in and under the couch. That is where I find my remote when it goes missing.
Eggs have been shipped.

Tonya, if you want some......... come and get them.
Me, toooooooo! I need turkey eggs. Anyone in the center of the country have some? Actually, the farther they have to go, the better my shipped eggs are, as they are on a quick flight rather than a long truck ride. It took eggs I shipped to Tazcat70 3+ days to arrive, and she's 3.5 HOURS away...and they all flopped but one. I ship eggs to Alaska and they're there in 14 hours, 90% hatch. Go figure.
Plane rides are more gentle.

I am hoping that it was just a crazy driver or something.
I just set 100 Aloha eggs that were hand delivered from AZ, by Notinoz. So I hope they made a better trip!

Plus it wasn't all bad, at lease the one is a hen, and she lays such pretty eggs! And her name is Renee.
For those who double stack like that in a brinsea, do you leave it on the turner or go handturn all the eggs? seems they would roll around on a brinsea turner, which goes almost on its side.

Feathers, I use either wax paper or paper towels around/stuffed under the top eggs to keep them stable. I don't completely cover any egg so that the shell can breathe. Usually by day 10(ish) I pull the clears and they all fit back in the bottom. I use the auto-turner until lock down.

Woo hoo! The drive in to work this morning was "interesting!"
1). Last night's news mentioned people driving over the passes in snow, using their cruise control - are they nucking ffutz? But apparently some of those same folks were on the road with me this morning.
2). What are those people thinking when they pull into the space between my car and those ahead of me?! That's for SAFETY, you mororns!
3). I need a faster speed on my windshield wipers. Something more akin to "Noah's Flood" rain levels. Wipety-wipe isn't sufficient during some of the downpours.
4). I lost count of the number of times cars which had moved into my "safe stopping distance" space suddenly veered off to the right AND, horrifyingly, to the LEFT when traffic ahead slowed or stopped.
And I'm caught up here.

Totally sympathize with you Linda. I HATE driving in snow so I drive extra cautious. I leave a lot of room between me and the next car. I hate it when someone passes me and thinks my safety zone is a great place to pull in to. When we moved up here, we hit very icy, slick roads on the way up. We slowed way down and just hung behind a semi. You should have seen all the Utah "natives" passing us. Of course many of them were off the road a few miles later. I had to laugh at a bright yellow pick up truck that just ZOOMED by us. He was not only off the road, his truck was laying on it's side. I laughed mainly because no one got hurt and Karma caught up with him quick.

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