Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

So... I have 2 that have hatched (without dying) so far; an EE and a Frizzle. I also had a surprise! I was checking my Browers' temps and discovered that a quail egg had gotten lodged under the turning arm somehow and the top was squished. I took it out of the incubator and then brought it outside and pulled the shell back to see how far developed it had been. Imagine my surprise when the chick was peeping at me and wow....alive! I put it in its half shell into the hatcher and it kicked its shell off in minutes and is now cruising the incubator. I guess I didn't realize that they were due because my phone, where I put all that information into the calendar, deleted itself on me about 1 1/2 weeks ago. All my set info was lost
. Checked the Brower again and sure enough there was a hatched one in there. I need to move the rest of those eggs (not many) into the hatcher. Wasn't prepared for quail but it is a happy surprise!
well ... of the 52 eggs we started with, 49 went in to lockdown and of those, 37 hatched ... still have 8 in the incubator, just in case ... this is day 22 ...

one of my chicks just died, a leghorn chick ... are there signs from the others i should be looking for for problems??? ...i know they are eating and drinking, but they are sleeping alot ...

any help would be appreciated, this is my first hatch ...

Thank you and Happy Easter!

Sounds like a good first hatch! As for the one that died, please remember that hatching is really hard on the chicks and that the energy spent in hatching is tremendous. Some are just too tired afterwards. If they are sleeping a lot they are ok. As long as they aren't spread out to the corners of the brooder and flattened out and panting they aren't too hot, or all huddled together in a pile too cold, they are fine. Chicks do sleep a lot the first couple of days. They fall asleep while eating and drinking too, so make sure they can't get in the water! A few marbles in it should stop them falling in and drowning. Once they are mainly upright and dry-ish I remove chicks from the incubator to the brooder, other people leave them in the incubator for up to 24 hours, it's whatever suits you. Also make sure their bums aren't blocked up from dry food - it will kill a chick in hours. If they look all dirty and there's a dry mass on tehir bums you MUST get it off. With some extremely fluffy chicks I tend to trim the bum area with scissors to help prevent this from happeneing. Poop gets dried on to the down by the heat lamp and stops them evacuating, and the whole digestive system grinds to a halt making them essentially blow up.
Anyway, congrats on a good hatch and enjoy your chicks!!
well ... of the 52 eggs we started with, 49 went in to lockdown and of those, 37 hatched ... still have 8 in the incubator, just in case ... this is day 22 ...

one of my chicks just died, a leghorn chick ... are there signs from the others i should be looking for for problems??? ...i know they are eating and drinking, but they are sleeping alot ...

any help would be appreciated, this is my first hatch ...

Thank you and Happy Easter!

They will sleep alot the first 3 days. They often won't eat much, as they are absorbing the yolk for nutrition for 3 or 4 days. That is why we can ship day old chicks. They live of the yolk for nutrition.
I set 141 egglings and have 41 fuzzy little chicklets and three eggs that are still a question
. I was hoping most of the orps would make it from Renee and Deb and they did
Angie and Ritas BCMs did good and Debs polish and a few of her lovely assortment made it as well
Eureka I'm finally able to post again. I've been unable to since some time on Thursday. I was just starting to think the NEW BYC wasn't so bad . Oh well. Thanks for the advice. I found the icon with the torn paper look but, also previewed the post first. It wasn't working tho till I used that icon. Whew, I thought I had been black balled or something.

Welcome back, I was so frustrated I wanted to

what do the Basque Hens look like????
just got done grooming dogs. Thought having a Saturday hatch would be fun. I always work on Saturday.. Took me forever to groom those dogs.
A lot have hatched . Have to take time to count. M Cochin batams hatched was glad to see that because they are pullet eggs. hey are so cute. A amerucana or two hatched. Lots of the olive eggs/ cuckoo or BC hatched. ( one problem they look a like) some of the BC hatched.
Lost a Americana (just weak and died) and a BC was up side down in the shell. If I haven't been working might have b ENE able to save that one..
My eggs are getting so round on both ends it hard to figure out which end is up.
My humidity is going crazy in the Hova bator. And I am have a hard time keep it up to 50% in the new brinsea. Guess I should have read the instructions.
write more later Sueg
Ohmygoodness! Ohmygoodness!!

None of the eggs have pipped - externally - but I have just heard at least two different and VERY annoyed sounding chicks peeping from inside their shells in the incubators!!!

It is officially the moment of time beginning the Nose Prints On The Incubator Windows marathon!!!
My hatch is just about done.

Highland Moongazer - out of 8 Ancona ducks eggs, all were fertile and 4 hatched. There is one black with a little yellow and 3 yellow with a little black. I have to say I forgot how much more friendly ducks are as babies. They snuggle right up in our hair (me, DD1 & DD2) and nuzzle and nap. Planning bigger duck yard now.

Charmed By Chickens - out of 3 Barnevelder all three hatched, is it possible that there are 2 brown "chipmunk" chicks and one light yellow with "chipmunk" stripe?
Out of 2 BBS Am 1 hatched
Out of 10 Wheaton Am 8 hatched
Out of 3 Buff Am 3 hatched
*(*How do I tell the Wheaton & the Buffs apart?

Talk about super hatches! Thank you so much for giving the chance to hatch such great birds!

Total set = 26
Hatched = 20

I have 13 BLRW that got misdirected in the mail and arrived late, Monday so they are not due till Monday.
there is a site that shows you how to dye the chickies in the egg. They inject dye into the shell before hatching. I typed in dyed easter chicks I think. saw all different color of chicks It was awhile back....

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