Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Quote: CONGRATS to SPANGLED! Winner of the Mahonri 2012 Easter Hatch, Best Hatch Rate, fulfilling all of the requirements with a hatch rate of 88.89%. WAHOO!!!... and of course she did it in a Brinsea!

Oh the good ol days!

This immediately brought to mind a song we used to sing in elementary school. The Wells Fargo Wagon

Oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a coming down the street, oh please let it be for me
Oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a coming down the street, I wish I wish I knew what it could be.
I got a box of maple sugar for my birthday,
In March I got a gray makinaw,
and once I got some grapefruit from Tampa,
Montgomery Ward sent me a bathtub, and a cross cut saw.

Amazing, I hadn't thought of that song in 40 years! Thanks for the flashback!

ETA - LOL! I did a quick search and evidently that song is from The Music Man! I never knew....... and I had some of the words wrong, but I was close! I changed them! Now they're right!
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This immediately brought to mind a song we used to sing in elementary school. The Wells Fargo Wagon

Oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a coming down the street, oh please let it be for me
Oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a coming down the street, I wish I wish I knew what it could be.
(there's a line here I can't remember) for my birthday,
And I got me a gray makinaw,
and I got me some grapefruit from Tampa,
Montgomery Ward sent me a bathtub, and a cross cut saw.

Amazing, I hadn't thought of that song in 40 years! Thanks for the flashback!

ETA - LOL! I did a quick search and evidently that song is from The Music Man! I never knew.......
:lol: that song is bizarre!
This immediately brought to mind a song we used to sing in elementary school. The Wells Fargo Wagon

Oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a coming down the street, oh please let it be for me
Oh the Wells Fargo wagon is a coming down the street, I wish I wish I knew what it could be.
I got a box of maple sugar for my birthday,
In March I got a gray makinaw,
and once I got some grapefruit from Tampa,
Montgomery Ward sent me a bathtub, and a cross cut saw.

Amazing, I hadn't thought of that song in 40 years! Thanks for the flashback!

ETA - LOL! I did a quick search and evidently that song is from The Music Man! I never knew....... and I had some of the words wrong, but I was close! I changed them! Now they're right!

Yup, they were all excited about their band instruments that were suppose to arrive any time.........great old movie/musical!
WOW this is old! Montgomery Ward---boy haven't heard that name in a looooooonnnnnnnng time! Cute chick--love the big feet.

Oh no, if you're truly old to match the ad (although I remember buying meat chicks for 25 cents each), but I can just hear my mother saying...............

Monkey Wards!

Isn't that what that generation always called them?

Our Montgomery Wards finally shut it's doors about 5 years ago. I don't believe they ever sold chicks or cross cut saws at that location though
Can't believe that this weekend they'll be 2 weeks old! I have a white Icelandic that is already eyeing the top of the brooder looking for a way to escape!... and they've already got wings!
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