Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Well I have been mia for a while. Mycomputer went crazy and wont work. My cat had 3 cute little kittens, one being a calico manx. I actually woke up to her trying to have kittens in my bed snuggled up to me under the covers! Huge dog fight cause the neighbors couldnt keep their dog up and my doberman and boxer jumped her right off my front porch. I broke up the fight and their dog looked fine. Well she disappeared and they think my dogs killed her and I just wont tell them. So now there is bad blood even though their dog was in my yard! Then I realize my electricity is thrned off in the house because my dh is the king of procrastination. So I had to move my hatcher with 12 eggs in it due to hatch tomorrpw, to the shop. The electricity didnt get turned off there for some reason. The temps were below 80 when I figured it out, now I cant get them above 90! I think im going to go crazy. I hope my eggs will be alright.
Geez Pinx, Sorry about your computer, your cat, the neighbor's dog, the neighbor, your DH, the electrcity, and horray you rescued the eggs and got them to the shop in time.

Noooooooooo, you're just a product of that generation, like me. That's why I knew my mom always said that. That generation (my mom) was born in 1919.

Never retiring keeps you going forever . . like the energizer bunny!

Nooooooooooo, I'm hoping to be good for another 30 years anyway, doing what I want.

My grandfather "retired" when he sold the business to his nephew, and continued to go into work for the next 10-15 years ! When his wife was failing healthwise, he truly retired so he could take care of her until the end, and then he did what he liked best: helping other people , until the day he tripped and hit his head carrying in a new TV. At 92!

I too saw many of the older members of the company retire, and pass away within a couple years. Didn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about retirement! Maybe I'll feel diferently when the time gets closer.
Graphic, don't watch if you have a weak stomach. I'm sure many of you have seen this before, it just ticks me off. We can do something. This particular farm, if you can call it way below the norm for egg farms.
Announcing the winner of the OVERALL BEST HATCH PARTICIPANT!

It was a TIE between Kathyinmo and Superchemicalgirl, but both of them deferred as they both helped run the hatch!

So third place becomes FIRST PLACE and the winner is......


Thank you for all of your help and for the almost daily pics of eggs being candled from day 1 to Lockdown! And everything else you did to help others. You get a 6 mo. GFM!

There were also some others who I would call honorable mentions as they also got a goodly number of "votes"... which means folks actually took the time to mention them.

ronnott1 and Arielle.

Thank you to all of you!

Announcing the winner of the OVERALL BEST HATCH PARTICIPANT!

It was a TIE between Kathyinmo and Superchemicalgirl, but both of them deferred as they both helped run the hatch!

So third place becomes FIRST PLACE and the winner is......


Thank you for all of your help and for the almost daily pics of eggs being candled from day 1 to Lockdown! And everything else you did to help others. You get a 6 mo. GFM!

There were also some others who I would call honorable mentions as they also got a goodly number of "votes"... which means folks actually took the time to mention them.

ronnott1 and Arielle.

Thank you to all of you!


Congrats ChestnutRidge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chestnutridge!! Loved your candling pics!

Great job to ronott and Arielle too!

This has been a great Hatchalong due to folks like all of you!!

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