
Planted the seed for the chicken tractor today!! DH brought lunch to me at the office. As we are eating in the breakroom, he's looking at the Tractor Supply flyer. I casually mention, "I think we may need a chicken tractor for the meat birds." DH--"You can't just keep them with the others?" I said "I will as long as I can but they can get food aggressive..."
Welcome to BYC! Coopchick thst is hilarious:) My dh has nothing to do with my chickens so he cohld care less what else I build. I pick up free scrap lumber, pallets and used tin to build whatever comes to mind so he's happy. Dh actually pointed out the latest find- 3 nice sheets of used tin against a dumpster when we took our trash off! As long as it doesn't cost him anything he's happy;-)
About the brooder temp fluctuations- just watch your chicks. I threw out the thermometers a long time ago. Chicks will let you know if they aren't comfortable and the Momma hen doesn't stay on them all the time anyhow. I could never get the thermometer where it could get an accurate reading where the chicks were.
My brooder temp is all over the place also. It was in mid 70's when I checked it this morning, and they're not quite 2 weeks old. But they all seem happy. I have 250 + 125W in a 3 x 6 brooder in an unheated garage. The whole thing is wrapped in blankets, with cardboard panels over the sides. I turn down the dimmer during the day, and crank it up in the evening. Open up the blankets on the top also for regulation. If it's warm enough to open the garage door for some direct sunlight, the lamps go off. I actually stayed in bed all night last night (instead of checking them repeatedly), and they all looked happy this morning in spite of the lower temps. I think these little guys will be super tough by the time they go out.
Question: what do you all feed your chicks? I have 44 chicks coming in next friday and I'm stumped on a food. I'mm looking for a no soy and preferably no corn starter, as they will be free range after a couple weeks.
Coopchick thst is hilarious:) My dh has nothing to do with my chickens so he cohld care less what else I build. I pick up free scrap lumber, pallets and used tin to build whatever comes to mind so he's happy. Dh actually pointed out the latest find- 3 nice sheets of used tin against a dumpster when we took our trash off! As long as it doesn't cost him anything he's happy;-)

Oh Cknldy...if only it were that easy but we've been together for 31 years (high school sweethearts) and this year is our 25th wedding anniversary so I know how he operates! He doesn't mind the free scrap or used whatever. He's frugal that way! However, he has a motto "Do it once...the right way aka his way." Usually I tell him what my plan is then he tweaks it but sometimes I need to make him think it was his idea in the first place!
Actually we're a pretty good team!
About the brooder temp fluctuations- just watch your chicks. I threw out the thermometers a long time ago. Chicks will let you know if they aren't comfortable and the Momma hen doesn't stay on them all the time anyhow. I could never get the thermometer where it could get an accurate reading where the chicks were.
Yup, I'm keeping an eye on them. They look like they are self-regulating pretty well, running around, eating/drinking, flapping their wings like they're ready for take off!

My brooder temp is all over the place also. It was in mid 70's when I checked it this morning, and they're not quite 2 weeks old. But they all seem happy. I have 250 + 125W in a 3 x 6 brooder in an unheated garage. The whole thing is wrapped in blankets, with cardboard panels over the sides. I turn down the dimmer during the day, and crank it up in the evening. Open up the blankets on the top also for regulation. If it's warm enough to open the garage door for some direct sunlight, the lamps go off. I actually stayed in bed all night last night (instead of checking them repeatedly), and they all looked happy this morning in spite of the lower temps. I think these little guys will be super tough by the time they go out.
Mine was the same in one corner. I was a little worried about the cold weather last night. They are also in an unheated garage in a cardboard appliance box w/a cardboard cover & a 250w lamp. I added more shavings last night to give them a little more insulation and lowered Not The Mama so they could snuggle under her.

Question: what do you all feed your chicks? I have 44 chicks coming in next friday and I'm stumped on a food. I'mm looking for a no soy and preferably no corn starter, as they will be free range after a couple weeks.
Right now, I'm feeding plain ole Dumor Chick Starter--dry & fermented. I just can't afford to pay twice the amount for the organic stuff.

Need advice on feeding the Layers--I've been feeding 20% Purina Flock Raiser with calcium on the side since I have a multi-age flock. Anyone think that this is too high in protein? I'm also fermenting it w/scratch, whole oats & some BOSS. Thanks for the advice!


This product is available in the following:
Type Bag
Size 50 lb & 5 lb
Feed Form Pellets or Crumbles
Guaranteed Analysis

Protein, not less than 20.0%
Lysine, not less than 0.95%
Methionine, not less than 0.35%
Fat, not less than 3.5%
Fiber, not more than 5.0%
Calcium, not less than 0.8%
Calcium, not more than 1.3%
Phosphorus, not less than 0.7%
Salt, not less than 0.35%
Salt, not more than 0.85%
Vitamin A 7,000 IU/lb
Vitamin E 14 IU/lb
Duck People!

Have a friend in the Bangor area looking to give a home to an adult duck to keep her existing duck company. She lost one this winter and her last one is very lonely and doesn't get the comfort from the chickens she was hoping for. Anyone have any adults they want to rehome?

I am swimming in eggs and chicks. Problem is the ones I really WANT to be raising for myself/my son are not fertile, not one darn egg so far. The ones that other people want to buy I just can't keep up with the numbers they want and they all want pullets. I only have one sexually dimorphic breed here right now. That's right, one.

Anyway, been a rough go the past two weeks. Sap is finally all boiled down. The seedlings are reseeded. Now if those darn fence poles would come out of the persistent snow bank in the corner where I put them I could keep the birds out of the garden. Most of my goose eggs are developing which is nice. The Marans project is moving along quickly given how many I am hatching. I did a 'bad thing' and finally indulged in some Saxony eggs. I have wanted them here for three years and finally might have them. I clipped all our Cochins because there wasn't a single fertile egg so far-- too much bustle makes for a great show bird and terrible fertility.

We already have seen mites here so you all might want to check your birds.

Oh man.... back to the list. Lists.

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