Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

Marshmallows??? I'd never considered. THANK YOU!

and something flipped one of my traps completely over last night so it could get thebait w/o setting off the spring trap... It just walted right in on what had been the ceiling, waltzed right back out.
attach the bottom of the Box trap to a piece of plywood at least 6 inches bigger on all sides. Makes it harder to flip. Marshmallows mixed with tuna is also a racoons favorite. But the fish attracts cats that I don't want to catch. Also attach a can with bait to the back floor or on a string so they have to work at getting it out. I have some pull top cat food that I pop just a bit and tie the pull ring in the back of the trap. But I do catch cats sometime that way.
Marshmallows??? I'd never considered. THANK YOU!

and something flipped one of my traps completely over last night so it could get thebait w/o setting off the spring trap... It just walted right in on what had been the ceiling, waltzed right back out.
Do you have the dog safe traps for raccoons? That's how we got two of the three that were causing issues before. Just stick a marshmallow inside and in a few days we had a raccoon
going out to feed the flock and check on mama hen. Still just the two chicks as of last evening, and one of them I hadn't seen for a while - trying not to disturb mama.

Relocated another possum yesterday after work, was TINY. The other trap had its bait remioved w/o setting off the trap. Not sure how, but its second time. That trap is on the opposite end of the pasture. Going to try and relocate it to an area with softer sand/clay muds in hopes of getting an identifiable footprint.

I *dislike* the idea that this critter is more cunning than I. Not to keep score, but its Predator 2 / Trap 0 right now.
Using a cage trap? Try putting your bait under the trap in a small hole.
What probably happened was it went in and the door closed behind it . . . It thrashed around enough to tip the trap over, and the door opened up
I have put a cinder block on top of a live trap, to keep the critter from flipping/rolling it. That worked well, as I like to move the traps around to different locations.

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