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I should say it doesn't sound all that fun! I just have to keep reminding myself that I'd like to have some little ones here as I listen to Pee-Wee crow over and over and chase Dottie around the cage. Poor girl, she has no idea what he wants from her.
how cold is too cold for frizzle seramas? smooth-feathered seramas?

weather down here in south texas has been really weird. freezing temps are not normal here.
i have some frizzle seramas in coops outside and the temp will be 20's tonight - with wind chill in teen's. I have prepared a spare room inside the house just in case I need to bring the seramas inside. i also have smooth-feathered seramas. just wanted to know what others' experiences are....
Lol that is funny
Yes, and that is what is keeping me going. I love having these little ones no matter what. They really do bring me a lot of joy.
My smooth Seramas have been in the garage with heat lamps since the temps dropped into the 40s. They'll go back outside when it warms up to above 40 each night.
I have both smooth and frizzled & this winter has been in the single digits and below for us with LOTS of wind. Highest temps have been high 20's. My seramas are all outside in their coops with no heat source, and they are doing just fine
I would think it would depend on what temps they are used to and have been living with. Mine are living inside this winter, so can't really tell you what to do.

Also depends on what kind of shelter they have.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

My 5 Serama eggs are going into lockdown tomorrow evening. They're due Sunday.

The latest additions to my small serama flock I am up to 10 now
3 sweet little babies

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