Male Pygmy Goat Fur Falling Out


Feb 26, 2025
Hey everyone,

Looking for thoughts on what might be causing my male (wether) pygmy goat's fur turning white and falling out in clumps. This is my first year with goats so not sure if this is a seasonal thing, hormonal, or more concerning something like mange or parasites.

I first noticed this about a month ago (in mid January) so it seems unlikely that it's a spring shedding. Also have 2 female pygmy goats that live with him and there fur is totally normal.

i have icelandic sheep and had a ram lamb (named sriratcha )start to have his hair fall out and turn lighter colored. it turns out he had barber pole worm. i dont know anything about goats though. sriratcha did pass the barber pole worm on to another one of my sheep but only one. barber pole worm causes bottle jaw and thats how we identified it.
I would treat for lice, have a fecal test run to look for parasites, and inspect the skin. If it is rough and scaly it may be a fungal infection. I used BluKote for that. I had a buck go almost completely bald from a fungus infection.
I definitely agree with the parasite or fungus answers. I know it's a totally different animal but I have a cat who's overly allergic to flea bites and his fur falls out and he's bald in spots until they are totally gone.

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