Massachusetts Shows

yes, that was me! that was you!! i am so sorry! i cant take the heat,should stay out of the field. i couldnt figure out why we didnt use the shaded parking lot. it was soo hot, i still have some jersey giants, maybe by the milton swap we will be able to sex them. i did sell my polish chicks and a few of my mille chicks so it was fine,
Hi folks, I only stumbled on this thread after the show -- sorry I missed it even though it was so hot.
I have 12 layers between 8 and 12 months old (4 barred rocks, 4 red stars, 2 amauricanas, 1 black star, 1 white leghorn) and would love to get a couple more girls to fill out the flock.
We lost 2 barred rocks last winter to Merricks, so I really want chickens that have been vaccinated -- putting those 2 to sleep was just too hard. And they can't be roosters or the neighbors will riot (despite extensive egg bribes)! And I think they better be full size -- I love banties but I think my ladies may not.
Do any of you have any birds you are interested in passing on?
Oh yeah, what event on the 29th?

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