Meet Popeye

Lazy Farmer

Premium Feather Member
7 Years
Feb 28, 2017
Florida Mountains
Popeye is about 2 yrs old. For the last 18 months or so her eyes are progressively getting larger and glazed over. Not sure if it is disease or nutrition related. She eats and even lays regularly, just getting blinder. It is too the point that we are considering culling real soon now that quality of life is not as well these days. She has lived segregated for the last year in private hospital quarters up against the big house, to give her companionship sounds.
I tried search the BYC site for suggestions of what could be causing the eyes to bulge up, but have found nothing related.
Thought I would share with the chicken people..
My first guess is a very advanced bacterial eye infection. The veil over the eye that's visible probably indicates vision destroyed by the bacteria.

The treatment, never too late to try, is pus removal by pushing it out of the eye by exerting slight pressure on the tissue surrounding the eye. You would see great gobs of waxy pus ooze out. If you can get all the pus out of both eyes, flush well with saline, then treat twice a day with Terramycin eye antibiotic, there's an outside chance you might save the vision in at least one eye.

There's a second possible cause, and you'll find out by trying to push pus out of the eye, and that's eye worms.
My first guess is a very advanced bacterial eye infection. The veil over the eye that's visible probably indicates vision destroyed by the bacteria.

The treatment, never too late to try, is pus removal by pushing it out of the eye by exerting slight pressure on the tissue surrounding the eye. You would see great gobs of waxy pus ooze out. If you can get all the pus out of both eyes, flush well with saline, then treat twice a day with Terramycin eye antibiotic, there's an outside chance you might save the vision in at least one eye.

There's a second possible cause, and you'll find out by trying to push pus out of the eye, and that's eye worms.
Thanks for the advice. We decided to cull her. It was best for our situation, and hers. Thank you for responding.

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